Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Distance Run + Booty Tone [TIU]

I wasn't originally planning on running today (since yesterday was such a fail I had planned to go hard at the gym) but it's too nice outside to keep the pup indoors all day! So I've rearranged my week a bit and decided to take advantage of the fact it's not raining for the first time in a few days. Yay not raining! However, to make up for the yester-fail, I'm GOING to add a TIU butt toner after my miles. I will I will I will. Who knows, I might even get crazy and do it twice! Three times?!?

PS: I had my first iced coffee of the year today, does it show?

PPS: Starbucks frappy hour week start Friday! Some of the light frapps actually have decent stats if you consider them a dessert. Win!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: No muscles - ankle is still hurty.
Yesterday: Toning fail.
Environment: Outside! Gorgeous, sunny, and 70!

Equipment: none!
Work Time: 75:00?

Distance run: 6 mi(?) 60:00 (?)

Booty Bonus!

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type]
Arms Raised Deadlift15
Reverse Leg Lifts20/side
Squat + Side Lift10 + 5/side
Hands/Knees Leg Lifts20/side
Hands/Knees Hamstring Curl + Pulse20/side
Bridge + Kick10/side
Single Leg Bridge12/side
Total time8:00?
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time: 
Total Time: 

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas: 
