Friday, March 1, 2013

38:00 Run

So you know how they say you should schedule your workouts like you would a client meeting? Put them in your calendar and not let yourself get distracted by other things and whatnot. Well, I do that. Sorta. Only, because of the rigidity of my schedule, gym time always comes right after I get off work (and let's be honest - if even the whiff of something better to do comes my way I'm striking that appointment off like a match) (did that even make any sense? strike? match? maybe not), so the 'appointment' is more of a 'recurring 6pm event that sometimes gets deleted'.

Where I do find the practice useful is in the ability to look at a block of time and see generally what I've been up to. Once I've done a workout, I update my calendar with just a snippit of what I did. Just something short like '25:00 Stairs - circ. ints.', which tells me I did 25 minutes of stair climbing with circular intervals (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. No, it's not really circular, but in my head it makes sense. It's opposed to 'mtn ints' which would go 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, etc) or 'Full Body Lift [Fitnessista]'. It lets me see at a glance if I've been emphasizing a certain workout or slacking on some front. And you know what my calendar is telling me? I haven't been on a treadmill in over 3 weeks. Fail. Time to remedy that.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Left knee (no, not a muscle. but still feels weird)
Yesterday: BodyPump.
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 38:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 6.03.0~.3
3:01 - 5:007.53.0~.55
5:01 - 6:009.0
[:05 break]
3.0 [:30]
2.5 [:30]
6:01 - 6:309.52.5~.78
6:31 - 9:306.03.0~1.08
9:31 - 11:307.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
11:31 - 12:309.0
[:05 break]
12:31 - 13:009.52.0~1.56
13:01 - 16:00 6.03.0~1.86
16:01 - 18:007.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
18:01 - 19:009.0
[:10 break]
2.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
19:01 - 19:309.52.0~2.34
19:31 - 22:306.02.0 [1:00]
3.0 [2:00]
22:31 - 24:307.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
24:31 - 25:309.0
[:10 break]
2.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
25:31 - 26:009.51.5~3.12
26:01 - 27:003.51.5~3.18
27:01 - 29:00 4.0
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
29:01 - 32:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
32:01 - 35:005.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
35:01 - 36:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
36:01 - 38:00 3.51.0~4.0
Total: 38:006.32 mph670 m [vert]~4.00

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 5:00
Total Time: 55:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: quads

As usual, this workout kicked my ass. I find it really difficult to get through the full 6 1/2 minutes, building intensity as this does. Should I probably knock down the speed? Maybe. But I'd rather hop onto the rails for 10/15 seconds every once in awhile as a mini-break. And as you can probably tell -- I was dying by the second round. Thus, the breaks. And all the incline changes. Because I can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds, and even the slightest change gives me a benchmark to look forward to. Even if that change is 'make something harder'.

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