Thursday, September 12, 2013

CXWORX + BodyPump

Going to do some 'real' lifting today - squats and deadlifts here I come!

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: None
Yesterday: Cardio + Light Toning
Environment: Indoors.

Warmup: 5:00 Stationary Bike
Equipment: resistance band [orange], small barbell, plates: 5kg x4, 2.5kg x2, 1kg x2
Work Time: 90:00

CXWORX: 30:00, various core exercises
BodyPump: 60:00, full-body workout

Muscle GroupWeight [plates = total]Increase/Decrease?
Warmup - All2 x 5kg = 10 kg
Legs/Gluts4 x 5kg + 2 x 2.5kg= 20kg
Chest2 x ( 5kg + 2.5kg + 1kg) = 15 kg
Back/Hamstrings4 x 5kg = 20 kg
Biceps2 x (2.5 kg +1kg) = 7 kg
Shoulders2 x 5kg = 10 kg

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total in-Gym Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

15:00 Stairs + 30:00 Bike + Quick Tone [TIU]

Big plans to kill it today! Had a big happy hour last night, which was fun, but I need to get back on track and stop making excuses to take it easy on myself. I realized today that most of my workouts over the past 2 weeks have been 'easing back' or 'quickie, not a lot of time' workouts. Which is fine, every once in awhile, but string too many together and it feels like I haven't done anything. So I'm aiming for some cardio + some toning today. Resistance band workout is ToneItUp's String Bikini workout.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: None
Yesterday: Happy hour :/
Environment: indoors, really muggy

Equipment: Stair Stepper, Stationary Bike, Resistance Band
Work Time: 55:00

Equipment: Stairs
Work Time: 15:00
Minutes Intensity (level [steps/minute]) Total Distance (floors)
0:00 - 1:00 11 [60]~ 6
1:01 - 2:00 13 [69]~ 13
2:01 - 3:00 15 [78]~ 21
3:01 - 4:00 17 [87]~ 29
4:01 - 5:00 19 [96]~ 39
5:01 - 6:00 12 [65]~ 45
6:01 - 7:00 14 [73]~ 53
7:01 - 8:00 16 [83]~ 61
8:01 - 9:00 18 [91]~70
9:01 - 10:00 20 [101]~80
10:01 - 15:00 Repeat 5:00 - 10:00121
Total: 25:30avg: 15.6 [81]121

Equipment: Stationary Bike
Work Time: 30:00
Program: Random
Level: 15
Minutes Intensity: RPM Distance Traveled : mi.
0:00 - 5:00 ~75
5:01 - 10:00 ~100 [:20]
35 [:10]

10:00 - 30:00 Repeat 0:00 - 10:00

Total: 30:003:24/mi [avg]8.82

Equipment: Resistance Band
Work Time: ~10:00
Side Lifts20/side
Back Kicks20/side
Bicep Curls7 full, 7 bottom half, 7 upper half
Reverse Flys20
Triceps Flys20
Lat Flys20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total Time: 70:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:1
Sore Areas: Upper back, but just a little...

I definitely need to start kicking my butt a little bit harder - this is the first long-ish workout I've done in awhile! I feel so ashamed... no more slacking!

Monday, September 9, 2013

45:00 Run

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Left knee (no, not a muscle. but still feels weird)
Yesterday: Brunch!
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 45:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 6.03.0~.3
3:01 - 5:007.03.0~.53
5:01 - 6:008.03.0 ~.66
6:01 - 6:309.03.0.73
6:31 - 9:30[:15 break]
3.0~1.06 [-.027]
9:31 - 11:307.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
11:31 - 12:308.52.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
12:31 - 13:
13:01 - 16:00 [:15 break]
3.0~1.86 [-.054]
16:01 - 18:007.5
[:10 break]
3.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
~2.11 [-.075]
18:01 - 19:008.52.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
19:01 - 19:309.52.02.33
19:31 - 22:30[:15 break]
2.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
3.0 [1:00]
~2.67  [-.102]
22:31 - 24:307.5
[:15 break]
3.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
~2.90 [-.133]
24:31 - 25:308.52.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
25:31 - 26:009.52.0~3.13
26:01 - 29:30[:30 break]
2.03.5 [-.188]
Interval Total: 29:308:25 pace [8:54 pace]
7.12 mph [6.73 mph]
? [vert]3.5 [3.31]
30:01 - 32:00 4.0
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
32:01 - 35:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
35:01 - 38:005.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
38:01 - 39:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
39:01 - 40:00 0.03.0~4.35 [-.338]
40:01 - 45:00 10.0 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
3.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
2.0 [1:00]
1.5 [1:00]
1.0 [1:00]
5.18 [-.393]
Total: 45:008:41 pace [9:24 pace]
6.90 mph [6.39 mph]
? [vert]5.18 [4.79]

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total Time: 60:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: quads

Not a bad effort for my first time on a treadmill (at length) in awhile - hopefully as the humidity abates I'll be more inspired to run my ass off. I actually took the time to remove the 'rest' breaks from my eventual mileage too - depressing. But at least my mid-interval breaks took less than 2/10 of a mile -- maintaining a sub-9:00 pace isn't too shabby for me. I have to remember to do the mid-workout totals more often - I'm always killed when I switch out the 'straight running' for shuffles or whatever.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

30:00 Row

Saturday workout!! Who rocks? This girl. I'm usually such a waste of space on weekends after goinggoinggoing all week, but BF and I skipped a few too many workouts this week and had to atone at the gym this morning. We didn't have a lot of time (BeerFest afternoon!), so I rowed to maximize calorie-burning-ness. BF rowed as well, but I won the distance challenge. Yay!

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Rowing Machine
Work Time: 30:00

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 3:00 2:20
3:01 - 5:00 2:13
5:01 - 6:00 2:03
6:01 - 6:30 1:50-1475
6:31 - 26:00 Repeat 0:00 - 6:30
Interval Total: 30:002:13 min/500m [avg]5860
26:01 - 27:00 High Rows
27:01 - 28:00 Row + Twist
27:01 - 29:00 High Rows
29:01 - 30:00 Row + Twist6610
Total: 30:002:16 min/500m [avg]6610

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 45:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:


Friday, September 6, 2013

Total Body Tone [TIU]

Today's workout is mostly based on ToneItUp's 'Triathlon Training' workout. I'm super bummed I won't be participating in my own yearly triathlon this year due to scheduling nonsense (and expenses), but I can still train like I am, right? Right.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas:

Equipment: Dumbbells [15 lbs], Balance Ball
Work Time: 45:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type] Set 3: Reps - Weight [type]
Squatted Row151515
[Squat + Overhead Press]
[Squat + Overhead Press]
Deadlift + Bicep Curl15151515
Balance Ball Chest Press151515/side [alternating]15/side [alternating]
Balance Ball Hamstring Curl15151515
Balance Ball Plank-Ups10101010
Bridge Calf Raises15151515
Opposing Leg/Arm Table Crunch15/side15/side15/side15/side
Russian Twists15/side15/side15/side15/side
Leg Lifts w/Scissor Kick10101010
Crunch Pulses30303030
Side Plank Reach-Throughs15151515
Tricep Dips15151515
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time:
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30:00 Bike + 5:00 Walk

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

Equipment: Stationary Bike, Incline Treadmill
Work Time: 35:00

Bike - Level 15, No Program
Minutes Intensity: RPM Distance Traveled : mi.
0:00-3:00 75
3:01-5:00 88
5:00-6:00 95
6:00-6:30 105+2.02
6:30-26:00Repeat 0:00 - 6:30
26:00 - 29:32 809.0
29:32 - 30:00 659.22
Total: 40:003:15/mi [avg]9.22

Incline Treadmill
Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: °
0:00-1:00 3.56
1:01-2:00 3.512
2:01-3:00 3.018
3:01-4:00 3.0 [:30]
2.5 [:30]

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total Time: 60:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Quads, Calves

Oof -- I had originally planned on making it 15 minutes on the treadmill, just to even out the quad/hamstring aspects of the workout, but my calves were having none of that. I couldn't work out the cramping by walking, so instead I went and stretched it out. Good decisions.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blogilates - Cardio

Happy National Back to Work day! Is that really a thing? Probably not. Otherwise every Monday would be national back to work day, and that would be depressing. Or maybe it would make it more exciting? I don't know. At least I'm not back yet! BF and I took advantage of the long weekend to put in some face-time with his parental units in Nashville. We did some cool things - had a nice dinner at Opryland Hotel (fun fact: they make the staff use underground tunnels to get around because apparently seeing people working ruins vacations) and saw a show at the Grand Ol' (Old? Ole?) Oprey. The show was entertaining, for all that I didn't recoginze a single one of the performers. It's an interesting gig they have going there - apparently there's a show every Saturday (along with some Tuesdays and Fridays) with different acts every week. As a performer you have to be invited to perform there once, which gets you into 'the club' so to speak (I bet they have jackets...), and after that if you're in town you can just kind of show up and do your thing. It's also broadcast on the radio, complete with old-timey radio commercials and the radio guy doin' his thing on the side of the stage.

Sunday we took the time to wander downtown Nashville and do a little shopping (I was very tempted by a buy-one-get-two-free deal at one of the boot stores. Not because I actually want cowboy boots, but because that seems like a steal!) before bar-hopping around the 'honky tonks'. I quite enjoyed the live music coming from EVERYWHERE - almost every bar had a live act of some type. I'm typically not a live music fan because I have an issue with absurdly high volume levels, but I had a good time regardless. We managed to end our bar crawl at an English pub (no idea how we found this place) which had AMAZING fries (chips!) covered in Parmesan cheese and deliciousness. It was a perfect drunk-oclock snack.

Sadly, Labor Day weekend is now over, but I'm immensely grateful that I took an extra day off. After driving for 11 straight hours yesterday I"m in no mood to go sit at my desk and deal with emails. Something I can do today? Get back into a semblance of a workout routine! Going to start slow with some light(ish) cardio and get back into it hard tomorrow. BF was supposed to go to the gym with me today but he's napping instead so a home workout it is! This is the 9/3/2013 Blogilates workout.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Lower back - too much driving
Yesterday: 11 hours in the car... gross...
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: Dumbbells [10 lb]
Work Time: ~35:00

Blogilates - 100 Workout
Blogilates - Pick-Me-Up Quickie Workout
Blogilates - 20/20 Workout [printable]
Blogilates - Till the World Ends Workout
Blogilates - Legs for Days Cardio Ballet Challenge

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total in-Gym Time: 0:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: 

That was harder than I expected it to be! Good job Cassie. The 20/20 was especially hard - I the tuck jumps, so I substituted squat jumps instead. Something about my quads just was not having anything to do with tucking in mid-air. Also, full confession: I split the 20 burpees into two sets of 10, the first done in the burpee place in the workout and the second at the end. At least they got done! I didn't much care for the ballet challenge though - I didn't feel like I was doing much of anything until I started lunge jumping. Next time I think I'll sub in a different video.