Wednesday, July 18, 2012

40:00 Stationary Bike

My original plan was to take the day off today and go to trivia, but sadly that fell through. Combine that circumstance with the fact I remembered I wouldn't be able to work out Friday because I'm going to a baseball game, and it was decided it would probably be best if I did *something*.

Since I managed not to completely wreak my legs yesterday, but aren't in top form, I'm going with a steady-state workout. I find those kind of workouts less physically demanding overall, but with the potential for a real mental challenge. I get bored very easily. Usually when I run outdoors I can distract myself through 5 or 6 miles with keeping my dog away from squirrels and trying to remember how many songs I've listened to, but our most recent heatwave has pushed the temp over 100 degrees (AGAIN) so neither pup nor I feel up to romping about outdoors. Instead I'm grabbing my trusty Kindle and an easy-to-follow fantasy novel (Outlander, anyone?) and spinning it out on the bike.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Legs, Upper Back
Yesterday: Minimal Alcohol, HITT Lifting
Environment: indoors - hot/humid

Equipment: Stationary Bike [LifeFitness]
Work Time: 40 min.
Program: Random
Level: 14

Minutes Intensity [RPM] Distance Traveled [Mi.]
0:00-18:50 70-805.0
18:51-40:00 70-8010.34

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 0 min.
Total Time: 40 min.

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Legs

Wasn't really trying to keep track of the distances, but I did happen to notice when I hit 5 miles so I thought I'd include it. Extrapolating from that distance, I should have made it an additional 1/3 of a mile. I'll chalk the difference up to the fact that the first 2 or 3 minutes of the workout is a 'warmup' and has very little resistance. ZOOM!!

Given that I went 10 1/3 miles in 40 minutes, that means I should be able to finish the tri distance of about 25 miles (40k, to be exact), in just under 97 minutes. Since last year it took me 82 and change, the year before 88, it looks like I'm slacking. Should be able to hit nearly 12 miles in 40 minutes. T-minus 6 1/2 weeks...

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