It's currently a ridiculous 50 degrees outside (in JANUARY!), and since pup has been languishing at my mother's house for several months where I know he wasn't run at all, I'm going to use this opportunity to get in a rare winter run. 'Rare' because it had better be about 50 degrees for me to go outside -- I'm not so dedicated to running that I'll invest in or put on anything more than a long sleeve Underarmor in response to inclement weather. You will def not find me out there when it's anywhere near freezing -- I hate gloves and I hate running with my ears covered. Gives me earaches.
Energy Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:
Environment: Outdoors - warm! Surprisingly.
Equipment: none!
Work Time: 55:00
Distance: 4.5 mi.
Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time:
Total Time:
Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:
It was 55 minutes from the time when I left my house to the time I got back inside. That includes the time it took to walk out to the street, walk the dog a block to get him prepped, the run, several doggie stops, lights, plus the several block walk at the end to cool down. When I take that into account, I don't feel so bad about running only 4.5 miles in 55 timed minutes [12 minute miles? I can do better than that...]. It was probably closer to 40 minutes or so. I hope. I really need to start remembering to set my running timer...
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