Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spartacus Workout

Very little post-vacation progress, according to the scale this morning. That's super disappointing, so I'm making an extra effort this week to be good. Trying hard to stay away from the chocolate. More veggies in my life.

Since this workout last week was the hardest thing I've done in a good long time, I thought I'd revisit it again now that I've recovered (barely). Going to tweak a few of the weights and reps to more manageable numbers -- we'll see how it goes. I'll remember to stretch this time around and maybe tomorrow I'll actually be able to stretch my legs.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: None, really
Yesterday: No Alcohol! Cardio!
Environment: indoor - hot

Equipment: dumbbell: 25 [x1], 20,* 15, 10 [hex]
Work Time: 30:00

* Edit: Didn't have any 20lb weights available, so I improved!

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type] Set 3: Reps - Weight [type]
Goblet Squat20 - 25lbs [DB]212121
Mountain Climber10010410690
Single Arm DB Swing10/side - 15lbs [DB]7/side7/side7/side
T-pushup10 - 10lbs [hex DB]101110
Split Jumps42525045
DB Row20 - 20lbs [DB]
30 -15lbs [DB]
DB Side Lunge10/side - 15lbs [DB]9/side8/side10/side
Plank Row10/side - 15lbs [DB]11/side11/side11/side
DB Lunge + Twist10/side - 20lbs [DB]
12/side - 15lbs [DB]
Explosive Overhead Press20 - 15lbs [DB]232021
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Ab bonus!
Minutes Exercise
0:00 - 0:5045° Laying Scissor Lifts
1:00 - 1:50T-Plank, R
2:00 - 2:50Laying Leg Circles
3:00 - 3:50T-Plank, L
4:00 - 4:50Pushups -- 20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4!
Stretch Time:  15:00
Total Time:70:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Legs, Upper back

Much better this time around! I felt like I worked my arms more, which was nice, and I hit more of my goals or beat them by only a smidge, which means I found better weights. Still having troubles with the lunges though -- seems like regardless of what the weight it, I just do them slowly. Sigh. I'll have to focus on them -- I'd like to at *least* be able to get to 10 on a side in 50 seconds. Two and a half seconds per lunge doesn't seem outrageously fast...

And my legs weren't nearly as useless the day after. Win!

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