Thursday, July 26, 2012

Spartacus Workout

Well, I've been bad this week. Time to pay the price. But, hey, at least I had fun!

So it's very rare that I repeat a workout as often as I've done this one, but I really enjoy it! 30 minutes, in, out,  on my way. I'm going to slightly modify it today -- I'm going to concentrate on making my split jumps deeper, more like lunges, so I'm aiming for fewer of them. I'm also getting rid of the lunge + twist, since I can't seem to do that with anything even remotely approaching speed, in favor of some reverse wood-chops. Same twisting motion, similar leg work, but I might be able to do them faster. We'll see.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Back? From working, not working out, most likely. Stupid desk job...
Yesterday: Alcohol, no exercise.
Environment: indoor - ? I haven't been outside today.

Equipment: dumbbell: 25 [x1], 15, 10 [hex]; medicine ball
Work Time: 32:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type]
Goblet Squat20 - 25lbs [DB]

Mountain Climber100

Single Arm DB Swing10/side - 15lbs [DB]

T-pushup10 - 10lbs [hex DB]

Split Jumps40

DB Row
30 -15lbs [DB]

DB Side Lunge10/side - 15lbs [DB]

Plank Row10/side - 15lbs [DB]

Reverse Woodchop12/side - 20lbs [MB]

Explosive Overhead Press20 - 15lbs [DB]

Swiss Ball Rollout

Swiss Ball Russian Twist

Plank + Opposite Lifts

Prone Cobra

T-Plank L

T-Plank R

*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time:  10:00
Total Time: 55:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

I got to the gym and opted to change this workout slightly. Instead of doing 3 sets of the lifts and one set of abs, I added the 6 minutes of abs to the bottom of the workout and did 2 sets of 16 minute intervals. I was kind of in a hurry, and for some reason 2 sets of 16 minutes seemed like a better idea than 3 sets of 10 minutes + 6 additional minutes. Those 4 minutes I saved really helped... probably...

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