Monday, July 30, 2012

40:00 Treadmill

Time to get back to it, after a poor showing last week. Plus I'm starting to get nervous because the tri is in 6 weeks and I don't know if I'm entirely ready yet. Time to start putting in some block workouts and hit the pool!

Retrying the pyramid intervals I attempted here, only I'm not doing the rowing today. That's for Friday, if I have all my plans together.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: none, really
Yesterday: Sunday funday -- Alcohol, Pizza, No exercise
Environment: indoors -it's hot again

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 40 min.
Program: Manual
Incline: 2.0-3.0

Minutes Intensity: MPH [time]Incline: °Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00
3:01 - 5:00
5:01 - 6:00 9.02.0~.71
6:01 - 6:30 10:002.0~.79
6:31 - 9:30 6.52.0~1.12
9:31 - 11:30 7.52.0~1.37
11:31 - 12:30 9.02.0~1.52
12:31 - 13:00
13:01 - 15:
15:01 - 18:00 6.52.0~2.07
18:01 - 20:00 7.52.0~2.31
20:01 - 21:00 9.02.0~2.46
21:01 - 21:30 10.02.0~2.54
21:31 - 22:000.02.0~2.60
22:01 - 25:00 6.52.0~2.93
25:01 - 27:007.52.0~3.18
27:01 - 28:00 9.02.0~3.33
28:01 - 28:30
28:31 - 31:00 3.8 2.0~3.6
31:01 - 33:00 4.0
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
33:01 - 36:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
36:01 - 39:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
39:01 - 40:00 5.0
*Note: 'Total Distance' is distance read off the treadmill, values starting with '~' are calculated post-workout based on speed, values without were recorded in real time.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Back, but probably just from sitting all day

I've had runs cover farther distances in 40 minutes, however I was averaging around 8:15 min/mi for the intervals. The second set of those was hard though -- I had to take 5-10 second breaks in the middle of the 3rd 9:00 interval, as will as at the end of each section of the last set. Overall though, not bad.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Spartacus Workout

Well, I've been bad this week. Time to pay the price. But, hey, at least I had fun!

So it's very rare that I repeat a workout as often as I've done this one, but I really enjoy it! 30 minutes, in, out,  on my way. I'm going to slightly modify it today -- I'm going to concentrate on making my split jumps deeper, more like lunges, so I'm aiming for fewer of them. I'm also getting rid of the lunge + twist, since I can't seem to do that with anything even remotely approaching speed, in favor of some reverse wood-chops. Same twisting motion, similar leg work, but I might be able to do them faster. We'll see.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Back? From working, not working out, most likely. Stupid desk job...
Yesterday: Alcohol, no exercise.
Environment: indoor - ? I haven't been outside today.

Equipment: dumbbell: 25 [x1], 15, 10 [hex]; medicine ball
Work Time: 32:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type]
Goblet Squat20 - 25lbs [DB]

Mountain Climber100

Single Arm DB Swing10/side - 15lbs [DB]

T-pushup10 - 10lbs [hex DB]

Split Jumps40

DB Row
30 -15lbs [DB]

DB Side Lunge10/side - 15lbs [DB]

Plank Row10/side - 15lbs [DB]

Reverse Woodchop12/side - 20lbs [MB]

Explosive Overhead Press20 - 15lbs [DB]

Swiss Ball Rollout

Swiss Ball Russian Twist

Plank + Opposite Lifts

Prone Cobra

T-Plank L

T-Plank R

*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time:  10:00
Total Time: 55:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

I got to the gym and opted to change this workout slightly. Instead of doing 3 sets of the lifts and one set of abs, I added the 6 minutes of abs to the bottom of the workout and did 2 sets of 16 minute intervals. I was kind of in a hurry, and for some reason 2 sets of 16 minutes seemed like a better idea than 3 sets of 10 minutes + 6 additional minutes. Those 4 minutes I saved really helped... probably...

Monday, July 23, 2012

20:00 Row, 20:00 Bike

Ugh. Mondays. Between wanting to finish this book I'm 83% of the way though and having to deal with a crazy landlord who's trying to sell my house while I'm still it in, I can say that I'm not super pumped about having to go torture myself. Add that to the fact that hate repeating workouts and used all of my major apparatuses last week so I can't decide what I want to do today, and the gym is turning into a chore. However I have plans tomorrow and Wednesday and will only mange to fit in a short workout if any, so I feel as if I must go.

Going to do an interval workout today. Haven't recorded a rowing workout with these intervals yet so we'll see how the distances compare to the 3-2-1 pyramid-style workouts I usually do. The bike will be comparable to this workout, only shorter. Going to aim for 6 1/4 miles in 20 minutes.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: none
Yesterday: Sunday Funday - alcohol, no exercies
Environment: Indoors - not cool

Equipment: rowing machine, bike
Work Time: 40:00
Bike Program: Random Hill
Level: rower - 8; bike - 15

Minutes Intensity [min / 500m] Distance Traveled [m]
0:00 - 3:00~2:30+0 = 614
3:00 - 4:00~2:15
4:00 - 5:002:00-+ 475 = 1085
5:00 - 6:00~2:30
6:00 - 7:00~2:15
7:00 - 8:002:00-+ 675 = 1760
8:00 - 9:00~2:30
9:00 - 10:00~2:15
10:00 - 11:002:00-+ 660 = 2420
11:00 - 12:00~2:30
12:00 - 13:00~2:15
13:00 - 14:002:00-+ 580 = 3100
14:00 - 15:00~2:30
15:00 - 16:00~2:15
16:00 - 17:002:00-+ 670 = 3770
17:00 - 18:00~2:30
18:00 - 19:00~2:15
19:00 - 20:002:00-+ 675 = 4445
20:00 - 20:142:00-+ 55 = 4500

Minutes Intensity: RPM Distance Traveled : mi.
0:00-5:00 5: ~801.34
5:01-10:00 10: 110+ [20 sec]
0: 35 [10 sec]
10:00-15:00 5: ~804.00
15:01-20:00 10: 110+ [20 sec]
0: 35 [10 sec]
20:00-25:00 5: ~75 6.65

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 5:00
Total Time: 55:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: Legs?

Workout was kind of 'enh'. Didn't get nearly as far as I wanted to in the 20 minutes even though I downgraded the level of hilliness to 15 instead of my usual 16. Hopefully I'll be faster on the course -- it's fairly flat, so that should help.

I realize I've been bad about updating this week, but it's because I've been bad about working out this week... instead, on Tuesday, I went and saw Magic Mike, which was highly entertaining. He just wants to sell his furniture! LEGITIMATE BUSINESSMAN! Talkin' about loans and shit. Wednesday I have a company happy hour. I might fit in a workout, but it depends on how my day goes. Otherwise, back to it on Thursday and hopefully have Saturday to make up for my transgressions...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

40:00 Stationary Bike

My original plan was to take the day off today and go to trivia, but sadly that fell through. Combine that circumstance with the fact I remembered I wouldn't be able to work out Friday because I'm going to a baseball game, and it was decided it would probably be best if I did *something*.

Since I managed not to completely wreak my legs yesterday, but aren't in top form, I'm going with a steady-state workout. I find those kind of workouts less physically demanding overall, but with the potential for a real mental challenge. I get bored very easily. Usually when I run outdoors I can distract myself through 5 or 6 miles with keeping my dog away from squirrels and trying to remember how many songs I've listened to, but our most recent heatwave has pushed the temp over 100 degrees (AGAIN) so neither pup nor I feel up to romping about outdoors. Instead I'm grabbing my trusty Kindle and an easy-to-follow fantasy novel (Outlander, anyone?) and spinning it out on the bike.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Legs, Upper Back
Yesterday: Minimal Alcohol, HITT Lifting
Environment: indoors - hot/humid

Equipment: Stationary Bike [LifeFitness]
Work Time: 40 min.
Program: Random
Level: 14

Minutes Intensity [RPM] Distance Traveled [Mi.]
0:00-18:50 70-805.0
18:51-40:00 70-8010.34

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 0 min.
Total Time: 40 min.

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Legs

Wasn't really trying to keep track of the distances, but I did happen to notice when I hit 5 miles so I thought I'd include it. Extrapolating from that distance, I should have made it an additional 1/3 of a mile. I'll chalk the difference up to the fact that the first 2 or 3 minutes of the workout is a 'warmup' and has very little resistance. ZOOM!!

Given that I went 10 1/3 miles in 40 minutes, that means I should be able to finish the tri distance of about 25 miles (40k, to be exact), in just under 97 minutes. Since last year it took me 82 and change, the year before 88, it looks like I'm slacking. Should be able to hit nearly 12 miles in 40 minutes. T-minus 6 1/2 weeks...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spartacus Workout

Very little post-vacation progress, according to the scale this morning. That's super disappointing, so I'm making an extra effort this week to be good. Trying hard to stay away from the chocolate. More veggies in my life.

Since this workout last week was the hardest thing I've done in a good long time, I thought I'd revisit it again now that I've recovered (barely). Going to tweak a few of the weights and reps to more manageable numbers -- we'll see how it goes. I'll remember to stretch this time around and maybe tomorrow I'll actually be able to stretch my legs.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: None, really
Yesterday: No Alcohol! Cardio!
Environment: indoor - hot

Equipment: dumbbell: 25 [x1], 20,* 15, 10 [hex]
Work Time: 30:00

* Edit: Didn't have any 20lb weights available, so I improved!

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type] Set 3: Reps - Weight [type]
Goblet Squat20 - 25lbs [DB]212121
Mountain Climber10010410690
Single Arm DB Swing10/side - 15lbs [DB]7/side7/side7/side
T-pushup10 - 10lbs [hex DB]101110
Split Jumps42525045
DB Row20 - 20lbs [DB]
30 -15lbs [DB]
DB Side Lunge10/side - 15lbs [DB]9/side8/side10/side
Plank Row10/side - 15lbs [DB]11/side11/side11/side
DB Lunge + Twist10/side - 20lbs [DB]
12/side - 15lbs [DB]
Explosive Overhead Press20 - 15lbs [DB]232021
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Ab bonus!
Minutes Exercise
0:00 - 0:5045° Laying Scissor Lifts
1:00 - 1:50T-Plank, R
2:00 - 2:50Laying Leg Circles
3:00 - 3:50T-Plank, L
4:00 - 4:50Pushups -- 20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4!
Stretch Time:  15:00
Total Time:70:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Legs, Upper back

Much better this time around! I felt like I worked my arms more, which was nice, and I hit more of my goals or beat them by only a smidge, which means I found better weights. Still having troubles with the lunges though -- seems like regardless of what the weight it, I just do them slowly. Sigh. I'll have to focus on them -- I'd like to at *least* be able to get to 10 on a side in 50 seconds. Two and a half seconds per lunge doesn't seem outrageously fast...

And my legs weren't nearly as useless the day after. Win!

Monday, July 16, 2012

40:00 Treadmill

Going to be hard on myself again this week -- tubing on Saturday! Bathing suits! Beers! Lots of salad in my immediate future. And cucumber soup. 

Revisiting my favorite treadmill workout today -- the same one I did here. Hopefully it goes just as well

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: none, really
Yesterday: Sunday funday -- Alcohol, Pizza, No exercise
Environment: indoors -it's hot again

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 40 min.
Program: Manual
Incline: 2.0-3.0

Minutes Intensity: MPH [time]Incline: °Total Distance (mi.)*
3:01-9:00 9.5 [1:00]
6.2 [1:00]
repeat x3
3.0 [2:00]
2.5 [2:00]
2.0 [2:00]
10:01-15:00 6.2 [1:00]
9.5 [1:00]
repeat x2.5
3.0 [2:00]
2.5 [2:00]
2.0 [1:00]
16:01-21:00 6.2 [1:00]
9.5 [1:00]
repeat x2.5
3.0 [2:00]
2.5 [3:00]
23:01-25:00 4.0
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
28:01-31:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
31:01-32:00 5.5
33:30-34:00 3.8 -> 10.03.0
34:01-40:00 10.0 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
repeat x12
3.0 [2:00]
2.5 [2:00]
40:01-42:00 3.50.0
*Note: 'Total Distance' is distance read off the treadmill, values starting with '~' are calculated post-workout based on speed, values without were recorded in real time.

Bonus! Ab work:

Minutes Exercise
0:00 - 0:50BOSU Straight Arm Plank + Leg Raise
1:00 - 1:50 BOSU T-Plank, R
2:00 - 2:50BOSU Straight Arm Plank
3:00 - 3:50BOSU T-Plank, L
4:00 - 4:50Pushups -- 20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: None, really. Win!

Covered about the same amount of ground as the last time I did this run, however I don't feel as good about it. Took 5 second rail breaks in the middle of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th sprint intervals. So that sucks. I added a minute of sprints to the end to atone for my sins, which I actually felt pretty good during. Especially considering I upped the incline a bit on those. So, overall, probably no progress as compared to last time.

Friday, July 13, 2012

26:00 Row, 19:30 Treadmill

Got a great surprise today -- I was told to go home early! Work's been weird this week because we're having weird funding issues with our client, so the money hasn't been set aside to pay us yet. Or something. Moral of the story is that we've been running a skeleton crew around here for 3 days now, and today they just gave up and sent everyone home at noon. So I had a nice workout, walked from the gym back to my house, stopped at SweetGreen for a salad and Pound for an iced Nutella latte. Delicious! Then I got to spend some quality time with the dog -- we read in the park together for an hour and a half. Or, rather, I read, and he interrupted me whenever he wanted me to throw the tennis ball. I meant to do some ab work buuuuuut the book was way more interesting...

I decided on a cardio workout today since I haven't actually done anything real since Tuesday (still not sure yoga counts). I'm starting to think about block workouts since my tri is in 2 months, so I split my efforts between the rowing machine and the treadmill. Tried to write down all of my distances, but sometimes I get really tired during my 'sprint' blocks and forget what I'm supposed to remember. I aimed for 2 sets of 26-minute pyramid-style intervals, but my legs were deathly on the treadmill and I only got through 3 of the 4 interval chunks.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Legs, still... stupid Spartacus...
Yesterday: No alcohol, stretching workout
Environment: Indoors, warm

Equipment: rowing machine, treadmill
Work Time: 45:30
Program: Manual
Resistance: rower - 8
Incline: treadmill - 2.0

Minutes Intensity [min / 500m] Distance Traveled [m
0:00 - 3:00~2:30+ 595 = 595
3:00 - 5:00~2:15+ 440 = 1035
5:00 - 6:00~2:00+? = ?
6:00 - 6:301:50-
+ ? = 1420
6:30 - 9:30~2:30+ 585 = 2005
9:30 - 11:30~2:15+ 445 = 2450
11:30 - 12:30~2:00+ 240 = 2690
12:30 - 13:001:50-+ 145 = 2835
13:00 - 16:00~2:30+ 580 = 3415
16:00 - 18:00~2:15+ 445 = 3860
18:00 - 19:00~2:00+ 235 = 4095
19:00 - 19:301:50-+ 130 = 4225
19:30 - 22:30~2:30+ 605 = 4830
22:30 - 24:30~2:15+ 430 = 5260
24:30 - 25:30~2:00+ 245 = 5505
25:30 - 26:001:50-+ 125 = 5630

Minutes Intensity [MPH]Distance Traveled [mi]
0:00 - 3:006.0+ .29 = .29
3:00 - 5:007.5 + .25 = .54
5:00 - 6:009.0+ .14 = .68
6:00 - 6:3010.0+ .13 = .81
6:30 - 9:306.0+ 28 = 1.09
9:30 - 11:307.5+ .25 = 1.34
11:30 - 12:309.0+ .15 = 1.49
12:30 - 13:0010.0+ .11 = 1.60
13:00 - 16:006.0+ .29 = 1.89
16:00 - 18:007.5+.25 = 2.14 (?)
18:00 - 19:009.0+ .14 = 2.28 (?)
19:00 - 19:3010.0+.10 = 2.38

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 70:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: General weariness

Looks like the gym refub-ed the rowing machines at some point recently. The wheel had been massively tightened -- pulling was harder than usual and I was almost being pulled forward on the return. I found the 2:15 pace hard to maintain for 2 minutes, and I'm not sure I got under 1:50 at any point. It's probably the reason those distances were a little short -- my splits should have been 600m, 444m, 250m, and 136m. Theoretically I should have gone 5720m ... goal for next time! Although I was ahead of myself by about 400m as compared to last time I did this routine, so, progress! Progress and goals! I also have to confess that I needed short breaks during the running. I think I took 10 seconds in the middle of each of the 9.0 minutes. Again, something to strive for.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Looks like Tuesday's Spartacus workout was a bit harder than I thought it was -- woke up Wednesday morning with extremely sore hamstrings. Sitting in an office for 9 hours probably didn't help any, but by the end of the day I wasn't feeling up to the run I had planned. So instead I took the dog for a nice long walk -- about 3.4 miles down the hill and back. By the time we got back my legs were tired and he was panting -- it's still hot out there!

Legs are *still* sore today, so I've decided to switch things up a bit and try my hand at yoga. Awhile back I bought a daily-deal for one of those monthly boxes-o-things. The one that came in June contained (among other things) one free download from I'm new to the site, but everything is fairly clearly laid out. Each class is ranked according to level of difficultly and the level of effort involved. Seeing as how I'm clearly no yogi I've chosen a class designated for the 'Advanced Beginner' -- I've decided that means its meant for someone that knows how (theoretically) to do the crow but can't hold it for more than about 2.3 seconds. I've also chosen the 'Bring a Towel' intensity level because, honestly, I'm not going to waste (free) money to have someone tell me to lay on my back and breathe for 15 minutes. And finally, I'll be doing this routine in my house with the air conditioning blasting, because I think 'hot yoga' is exactly like experiencing first hand what Ixion deals with in the firey depths of Hades.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: LEGS
Yesterday: Alcohol, Exercise? Walking!
Environment: Indoors! Air conditioned!

Equipment: yoga mat, computer
Work Time: 45:00
Program: Power Yoga #1, from
Level: Adv. Beginning / Bring a Towel

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time: 
Total Time: 

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spartacus Workout

Still shaking off the lingering effects of vacation -- healing the sunburn, doing mountains of laundry, trying to to long for the weekend too much...

Back to the gym! Today's workout is called the 'Spartacus Workout'. I grabbed it from the Women's Health personal trainer website. It's a total-body workout completed as 3 sets of 10 exercises, done for 1 minute each. I think I'm going to alter it a bit to be 50:10 intervals, just so everything lines up nicely. In theory you're supposed to do this workout 3 times a week and end up with abs like a greek god [ancient Thracian hero?]? I guess?  Here's to hoping...

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Upper back
Yesterday: No Alcohol! Cardio!
Environment: indoor - hot

Equipment: dumbbell: 20,15, 10 [hex]
Work Time: 30:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type] Set 3: Reps - Weight [type]
Goblet Squat20 - 20lbs [DB]22 - 25lbs22 - 25lbs23 - 25lbs
Mountain Climber6010410596
Single Arm DB Swing20/side - 15lbs [DB]12/side - 15lbs13/side - 15lbs14/side - 15lbs
T-pushup10 - 10lbs [hex DB]6 - 10lbs7 - 10lbs7 - 10lbs
Split Jumps50403340
DB Row20 - 15lbs [DB]30 - 15lbs26 - 20lbs24 - 20lbs
DB Side Lunge20/side - 15lbs [DB]8/side - 15lbs7/side - 15lbs8/side - 15lbs
Plank Row10/side - 10lbs [hex DB]13/side - 10lbs10/side - 15lbs8/side - 15lbs
DB Lunge + Twist10/side - 20lbs [DB]7/side - 25lbs8/side - 15lbs6/side - 15lbs
Explosive Overhead Press20 - 15lbs [DB]18 - 15lbs18 - 15lbs20 -15lbs
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 60:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Legs, Upper Back

Oof this one was hard. Exhausting -- I got home and wanted to just sit on the cough. Means it was good for me though! Not sure if there were enough arm exercises to make them work-- I might try to factor in more pushups in the T's and the Plank Rows. I've also discovered that I lunge very slowly -- both sideways and while twisting. With that in mind, I'm going to readjust some of the weights and reps next time around.

Update: Took me 3 days to walk pain-free after this. It's a killer.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Vacation + 40:00 Stationary Bike

Finally home after a fantastic 8 day vacation in St. Lucia. There was plenty of sunshine and sand, of course, but the resort we stayed in was wellness-themed, so there was actually some fitness involved too! I stretched almost every morning, learned how to Zumba from a fabulous gay man and managed to struggle through a yoga class or two. I also go to try my hand at archery, wind surfing, sailing, fencing (yes, it's really as ridiculous as it looks from afar) and a smattering of other things. Throw in a daily spa 'treatment' and a pirate ship and we had ourselves a vacation to remember, although I'm pretty sure we were in bed by 10 every night (if we even managed to make it that long!).

Sadly, I had to return to real life and with it came the fact that vacations are for eating and drinking too much, and all the SUP-ing in the world probably won't erase that. So it's back to the grindstone for me, easing back into it with a biking workout. It's the same one I did here (seems like this is becoming my favorite post-vacation workout...) only this time I remembered to write down how far I went. Win!

Energy Level [1-5]:4
Sore Areas: none
Yesterday: Alcohol, No Exercise
Environment: indoors - not as horrifically hot as usual

Equipment: Stationary Bike [LifeFitness]
Work Time: 40 min.
Program: Random
Level: 16

Minutes Intensity: RPM Distance Traveled : mi.
0:00-5:00 5: ~75 1.35
5:01-10:00 10: 110+ [20 sec]
0: 35 [10 sec]
10:00-15:00 5: ~75 4.14
15:01-20:00 10: 110+ [20 sec]
0: 35 [10 sec]
20:00-25:00 5: ~75 6.78
25:01-30:00 10: 110+ [20 sec]
0: 35 [10 sec]
30:00-35:00 5: ~75 9.42
35:01-40:00 10: 110+ [20 sec]
0: 35 [10 sec]

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 7 min.
Total Time: 55 min.

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: Rotor cuffs

Not bad for the first day back. Won't lie, hurt a little, but I'll get back into it. I would have liked to hit 11 miles but I couldn't quite get there. Goal for next time!