Friday, March 29, 2013

Distance Run - 6.2 mi

Friday! My dad's in town, which means it's guaranteed to be an awesome weekend full of amazing food. Tonight we're going on a cruise on the river, in theory to see the spring blooms. Unfortunately the blooms haven't bloomed, so in reality we'll just have happy hour on the river. And then we're going to my favorite pizza place and probably eating a heap of prosciutto. So I'm making it a priority today to get out of work with enough time to go for a run. Dog will be excited about the extra love too!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: None
Yesterday: Rowing, upper body lift.
Environment: Outdoors - gorgeous, sunny, and warm!

Equipment: none!
Work Time: ~65:00
Distance: 6.2 mi.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total Time: ~65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2 - mostly just tight
Sore Areas: Quads/Calves

What a disaster. Next time I think it's a good idea to go running mid-afternoon during tourist season, remind me it's not. Ugh. I had originally planned to run to Lincoln, but after dealing with crowds for the first mile and a half I gave up that plan. Instead I ran up the hill and into the residential neighborhoods. Which were nicely empty, but holy stop lights batman. I think I hit nearly every single one! And of course it was also rush hour, so there was very little ability to sneak across on reds because I probably would have been hit by a car. I probably stood around for 10 minutes over the course of this run! So terrible. And then a few miles away from home dog decided he didn't want to run any more. I had to practically drag him the last 2 miles, AND I had to end the run about half a mile earlier than I wanted to because he sat down and refused to move any more. I think it's because boyfriend took him running earlier this week -- I'll have to remember to space out our workouts more. All in all, a disappointing effort. But at least it was something...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

26:00 Row + Upper Body Lift

Going to give my legs a rest from all the jumping up and down today and go back to a normal cardio workout. Maybe I'll see some improvement from last time that I can attribute to the jumping about? Maybe? Who knows! But I'll be back in my own familiar gym so at the very least it'll be better than yesterday. Progress.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Quads
Yesterday: Jumping. Alcohol.
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Rowing Machine
Work Time: 48:00

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 3:00 2:25
3:01 - 5:00 2:15
5:01 - 6:00 2:00
6:01 - 6:30 1:50-1450
6:31 - 26:00 Repeat 0:00 - 6:30
26:00 - 28:00 3:006000
Total: 35:002:14 [avg]6000

Upper Body Lift:

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type]
Standing V-Raise15 - 10lbs15 - 10lbsFront/Side Raise: 15 - 10lbs
 V-Raise: 5 - 10lbs
Shoulder Press15 - 10lbs15 - 10lbsBicep Curl + Shoulder Press: 15 - 10lbs
Rotating Tricep Kickback15/side - 10lbs15 - 10lbs15 - 10lbs
Pike Walk + Pushup101010
Airplane Extensions151515
Crescent Lunge + Row20/side - 10lbs20 - 10lbs20 - 10lbs
Total time7:30 [x2]9:009:30
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total Time: 70:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Biceps

Well, I did do a bit better than I typically do on the row, so maybe that is progress? But I did feel like I got tired more quickly than usual, so maybe I was just pushing too hard too early, which I've been known to do. So... jury's still out on the cardiovascular benefits of jumping about.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


My general goal in life (I don't really do 'goals', can you tell?) is to try to be better about working out even if I don't have a whole big chunk of time to devote to it. Especially in weeks, like, this one, where I have kaboodles of fun things planned during my after-work hours. Yesterday it was a (really, kind of boring) play, today it's a work 'networking event' (read: sponsored happy hour!!), Friday will be the river cruise... in my life, there's never a dearth of opportunities to skip a workout. And usually I'm pretty good about not giving in too often or too many times in a row. But there's always room for improvement.

With that in mind, yesterday, when I knew I would be leaving work and going directly to the theater for this play, I tried to get up early for a workout. Unfortunately, I vastly underestimated how long it would take to put on some appropriate clothes, have a snack, and set up my workout station. By the time I had all that done, I only had about 15 minutes before I needed to start getting ready for work. 15 minutes wasn't nearly enough time to do what I had planned, and it was still too stiff from sleep to attempt to jump about (worried about pulling cold muscles). I ended up doing my usual plank/pushup/squat/lunge/etc warmup and a 10 minute dynamic stretching routine. Better than nothing?

So then today when I learned there was a Gold's literally a block from our happy hour bar, I knew I had to put in the effort to do something more. Yes, I will miss half an hour of drinking, but it won't kill me (probably). Will people judge me? Maybe. We're pretty serious about our happy hours 'round these parts. But that won't kill me either (...probably).

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: None.
Yesterday: I stretched some...?
Environment: Indoors, at a foreign gym.

Warmup: dynamic 5:00 [squats, lunges, pushups, etc]
Equipment: None!
Work Time: 20:00

ZCUT #9 : Time challenge: Jump Squat + Side Kick, V-Ups, Jump Lunge + Kick, Diagonal Plank Tuck Jumps, 'Surfer' Burpees [2 rounds] -- 14:45

Cardio "Bonus":
5:00 - 6.0 MPH - .5 mi

Energy Level [1-5]: 1
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total in-Gym Time: 45:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Quads

Dear baby Jesus that was depressing. I can't even... it was bad. It was this gym! I can't be the only one that has trouble working out in unfamiliar locations, and this was a gym I'd never set foot in before. Pretty much doomed from the start. First I had to ask where the locker room was (a nondescript, unlablled door right next to an identical door that said 'staff only'), when i was standing about 3 feet away from it. Then there wasn't anywhere comfortable to set up shop. Now, I don't need much space to do my thing. Enough space for a plank, ideally nothing overhead I can jump and hit my head on, maybe enough floor space for a mat if I'm feeling frisky. But even so, there was nowhere for me to go. At my gym, there's a pretty clearly defined space for people to do non-traditional working out. It's away from the lifting machines and the racks, near-ish to the dumbbells but clearly separately stacked with mats and BOSU balls and steps and what have you. In this gym, that space up a few stairs, weirdly lording above the rest of the gym, and of course was 'reserved' for 'personal training only' between 5 and 8 PM. Which, if I'd have to guess, is probably one of the busiest times of the day. The rest of the 'open space' in this gym were really hallways between the machines. There was a sort of open central atrium space, but it still felt more like a fat hallway than somewhere someone could grab a box and hop around. I ended up in some space between a tricep push-down machine and one of those cable machines where you can set the arms anywhere from way over head to next to the ground. I definitely had to move once or twice because people wanted to get around me or use the machines nearby and I didn't want to lunge kick them in the face. UNCOMFORTABLE. And then of course the ZCUT for today was killer. Truth: I took at 30 second break between rounds 1 and 2 and stopped the timer. Originally once I was finished with that I was going to do a quick Jillian Michaels routine, but I didn't have any more jumping in me. So instead I headed over to a treadmill (an incline one, since they only had like 4 normal ones. And I picked a treadmill because there was a SINGLE, occupied, stair stepper, there were two rowing machines randomly in the middle of the floor, occupied by a pair of blonds that had been there longer than I'd been at the gym, leisurely pulling and gossiping away, and to get to the few stationary bikes I would have had to impose on the sanctity of the trainers-only loft and scoot past the other bikers, on their stationary bikes, which were single spaced in an area that reminded me of a balcony), with the intention of knocking out a 15 minute interval workout. Naturally, about 2 minutes in my calves cramped and I couldn't run any more. I tried to quickly stretch it out, but my legs were having none of that. So I gave up after half a mile and used the rest of my time to stretch. At that point I had had enough and was just ready for a g-d beer, so I hightailed it out of there and found my coworkers. Hopefully, I never find need to go back to that place again...

Monday, March 25, 2013

ZCUT #8 + 36:00 Run/Walk

Had a great workout last Friday, left me sore allll weekend. Want to keep up the effort, so I'll get right into it!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Shoulders, Quads
Yesterday: Nothing. Beerfest two days ago.
Environment: Indoors.

Warmup: Dynamic warmup ~5:00
Equipment: Incline Treadmill
Work Time: 51:00

ZCUT #8 : Time challenge: 3-Point Burpee + Push Up, Jump Lunges, 3-Point Burpee + Push Up, Jump Squats, 3-Point Burpee + Push Up, Reptiles, 3-Point Burpee + Push Up, Side Jump Lunges, 3-Point Burpee + Push Up, Curtsy Lunges, 3-Point Burpee + Push Up, Reptiles [3 rounds] -- 15:45

Incline Treadmill

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 3.09.0 [1:00]
12.0 [2:00]

3:01 - 5:003.018.0
5:01 - 6:003.024.0
6:01 - 6:303.030.0
6:31 - 19:30repeat 0:00 - 6:30
x 2

19:31 - 21:003.56.0
21:01 - 23:003.5side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
23:01 - 26:004.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
26:01 - 29:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
29:01 - 30:005.0
backwards [1:00]
30:01 - 31:003.0 -> 10.03.0
31:01 - 31:3010.0 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
31:31 - 36:00repeat 31:01 - 31:30
x 9
Total: 36:006.32 mph??

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total in-Gym Time: 75:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Upper back, Quads


Friday, March 22, 2013

ZCUT #7 + Total Body Kettlebell + 15:00 Stairs

I finally have some more time this week to get to the gym! It's been a busy few days -- after a strong start to the week I took of Wednesday as my rest day, only to have my best intentions corrupted Thursday when boyfriend and I decided to get in on the NCAA March Madness excitements and watch some games at a bar. Luckily, all was not completely lost -- on Wednesday I did take the dog for a 2 mile walk, and yesterday I managed to fit in ZCUT #1 before heading to the bar. It's supposed to be a stand-alone workout, right? So I can kind of pretend I did something good for me? Because going to the bar and eating a mountain of nachos? ...err....

Anyway, to make up for it I plan on hitting the gym hard today, and hopefully Saturday too! In addition to today's ZCUT workout I'm also going to add in a kettlebell workout from Pumps & Iron that I've been anxious to try. I don't have a ton of experience with kettlebells, due entirely to the fact that up until about 3 months ago my gym kept them in one of the offices. What am I supposed to do with that? Can I just walk in and take one? Are they only for special trainer peoples? Is there some sort of test? I'm so confused! But then they moved them out into the open and I've been using them occasionally. Always nice to have extra options, right? Right!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: None.
Yesterday: Minor amounts of jumping. Nachos.
Environment: Indoors.

Warmup: Dynamic warmup ~5:00
Equipment: Kettlebells - 25lb, 15lb
Work Time: 45:00

ZCUT #7 - 10:00 circuit

Exercise NameSet 1: RepsSet 2: RepsSet 3: Reps
Sumo/Regular Squat Jump101010
Side-to-Side Hops606050
Burpee + Roll + Knee Tuck444
Mountain Climbers605850
High/Low Planks10109
[numbers are approximate as I didn't have time to write them down]

Kettlebell Workout - Tabatta Style, :20/:10 x 8 each exercise

Exercise NameSet 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5Set 6Set 7Set 8
Walking KB Swings - 25lb1111111110101111
Figures 8's - 25lb1515151515151514
Windmills - 15lb6 [R]7 [L]6 [R]7 [L]7 [R]7 [L]6 [R]7 [L]
V-up + Russian Twist - 15 lb44444444
High Pull10 [R]10 [L]10 [R]10 [L]10 [R]10 [L]10 [R]10 [L]
[numbers are approximate as I didn't have time the energy to write them down]


Minutes Intensity (level [steps/minute]) Total Distance (floors)
0:00 - 1:00 11 [60]~6
1:01 - 2:00 13 [69]~13
2:01 - 3:00 15 [78]~21
3:01 - 4:00 18 [91]~30
4:01 - 5:00 20 [101]~40
5:01 - 15:00 repeat 0:00 - 5:00 x2~80
Total: 15:0080 steps/min [avg]121

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total in-Gym Time: 75:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Upper back, Quads

That was a beast and it was awesome! Definitely going to be trying this workout again. I'm mostly feeling it in my upper/mid back muscles, and a bit in the shoulders/quads. Funny story - after I was done with everything and stretching one of the gym trainers came by to introduce himself. He said he was the kettlebell trainer of the gym and invited me to enroll in his upcoming 8-week class session. In his words 'you should try Saturdays - it's the beginners class and we focus mainly on form.' So basically, someone who knows what they're doing called me out on the fact I have no clue. Awesome, thanks Anthony!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

ZCUT #6 + 2.85 mi Run/Walk

SPRING IS HERE!! Well, for today at least. It's supposed to flurry later tonight and be back in the 30's tomorrow, but whatever. The calendar says spring, the current temp is in the mid-50s, and I'll take it!

Boyfriend had counted on the weather being nice and planned on taking the dog for a run today, which normally would leave me free to spend mucho extra time in the gym. But it's so nice, I think I'm going to run with them! Partially, anyway. I'm going to jog with them down to the grass as my warmup, do my ZCUT plus whatever else I can fit in while the run somewhere, then join back up with them for the tail of their run. Hopefully I can drag them both up the hill -- it's good for them!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Obliques.
Yesterday: Jumping + Ab-bing
Environment: Outside! Warm! Windy...

Warmup: Jogging ~ .6 mi
Equipment: None!
Work Time:

ZCUT #6 : 10:00 circuit: low jacks, 'flying' jump lunges, side burpees, superhero hold
Round 1 - 25, 22, 5, 12
Round 2 - 25, 20, 5, 12
Round 3 - 23, 20, 5, 11
Round 4 - 24, 20, 5, 12
Round 5 - 25, 22, 4, 12

Bonus: Kick lunges (20/side)

Jog/Walk: 2.25 mi.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total in-Gym Time: 0:00!

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Quads, Obliques

They made it! Boyfriend is still on the upswing of the 'getting fit' process, so he was all like 'I can't do the hill, I'm not ready, it's too far, I already ran my 3 miles' blah blah blah. I dragged him up anyway. Yes there was walking involved, but the important thing is that it happened. Progress! Next time we'll job the WHOLE way up, I know it.

Monday, March 18, 2013

ZCUT #5 + Blogilates - Abs

Considering it was St. Patrick's day weekend, I didn't feel as terrible as I thought I would this morning! Shamrockfest was a monster of a drinking day, as per usual. We started at our friends' house with 'Star Wars Brunch' - basically a normal brunch except the pancakes look like Yoda. And X wings. And TIE fighters. And the Millennium Falcon. And this weekend they were green! I contributed Black and Tan Brownies and Scotch Eggs to the festivities (yes I realize Scotland and Ireland aren't the same place, but I was also using Italian sausage so cut me some slack, yah? Plus I found them on a website named 'Edible Ireland', so I can't take all the blame). After we stuffed ourselves we headed to the drinking festival and proceeded to consume many giant cups of beer. And it even managed to say mostly dry! A win of a day. Boyfriend and I ended up leaving a bit early to see to the dog, and we were so tired by the time we got home that we immediately fell asleep upon returning to our house (after walking and feeding the dog, obviously). No dinner, no nothing. Dead to the world by 8:30. Does this make us old? Probably.

But on the bright side it means we were ready and rarin' to go Sunday morning. More brunch! Green mimosas! Which, by the by, were a fail because I only had gel cake coloring and not liquid food coloring, so it just kind of ended up looking like a curl of green... goo... at the bottom of an otherwise normal drink. It was really unappetizing. But at least we tried...

But due to the weekend-long debauchery, my house is a disaster, I have no clean clothes and nothing normal in the house to eat. So I'm going to take my workout home with me and fit it between loads of laundry and simmering a Beef and Guinness Stew that I lazed out of making Sunday night...

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Upper back?
Yesterday:St. Patrick's Day weekend. Nuff' said.
Environment: Indoors, at home!

Warmup: dynamic 7:00 [squats, lunges, pushups, etc]
Equipment: None!
Work Time: ~45:00

ZCUT #5 : Time challenge: Long Jump Burpees, High High-Knees, Tricep Dips [4 rounds] -- 9:30

Blogilates - MarchMakeover 3/20 - Core [42:47]

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 0:00 [whoops]
Total in-Gym Time: 0:00!

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Abs -- mostly obliques, but kind of everything

I'm worried that I'm doing these ZCUT workouts incorrectly because I keep beating Zuzana's times. This one I completely destroyed by more than a minute -- mostly because my 'high high-knees' were a '1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2' pace and she was more a '1-2, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2' pace. I doubt I'm as fit as she is, so I must be doing something wrong. It's probably my burpees. I suck at burpees.

Friday, March 15, 2013

ZCUT #1 + 20:00 Row + 15:00 Bike

I'll admit, since I decided to actually stick to a workout routine about 2 weeks ago I've been slacking on keeping both this blog and my workout journal up to date. But the truth is, since I'm just doing what I'm being told to do, there isn't much for me to track. But I'm going to try to fix that -- starting today because I actually did some trackable cardio.

Neither ZCUT nor Blogilates have explicit cardio built into their programs, but since I'm still not entirely convinced that jumping up and down for 8 minutes is going to make me a better runner I'm going to add in some cardio chunks when I have the time. This will most likely mean I'll have to sacrifice a day or two of Blogilates over the course of the week, but I'm ok with it. Cardio be importante.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Enh.
Yesterday: A sad excuse for a cardio workout.
Environment: Indoors.

Warmup: dynamic 7:00 [squats, lunges, pushups, etc]
Equipment: None! + Rowing Machine + Stationary Bike
Work Time: 45:00

ZCUT #1 : Time challenge: burpees, squat jumps, jump lunges, crab kicks, jack kicks -- 8:17 [+10 extra burpees - 9:27]

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 3:00 2:25
3:01 - 5:00 2:15
5:01 - 6:00 2:00
6:01 - 6:30 1:50-1440
6:31 - 19:30 Repeat 0:00 - 6:30
19:31 - 20:00 3:004400
Total: 20:002:16 [avg]4400

Stationary Bike
Level: 15
Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 3:00 ~75
3:01 - 5:00 ~87
5:01 - 6:00 ~97
6:01 - 6:30 110+2.0
6:31 - 13:00 Repeat 0:00 - 6:304.03
13:01 - 15:00 ~754.36
Total: 15:0017.44 mph [avg]4.36

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total in-Gym Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Quads, a little

Well, I can't say for certain, but I don't think the 8 minutes of jumping up and down is hurting me any. Both the rowing and the biking workouts were on per with, if not a little better than similar workouts I've done recently. And I might be getting better at jumping up and down too, which is also cool. It might just be this specific set of jumping up and down though - it's the only ZCUT I have memorized, so if I find myself at the gym and this is the type of workout I want to do it's pretty much my only option. The one downside of owning the DVDs and being too lazy to rip them into a more portable format...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

ZCUT #1 + Blogilates - Total Body

Hello, my name is Britt, and I have a problem. [chorus: hiiiiii Britt!] Not a Problem kind of a problem, more of a "problem", really. And my problem is this: I have the complete and utter inability to trust that a given workout program is going to help me become a better me. There are TONS of them out there -- I can point to nearly a dozen online just off the top of my head. But to me, they all seem so... one-dimensional? Because here's the thing: I like the fact I can lift heavier things than most people. I also like the fact I could wander outside and run 10 miles right now if I felt like it (although my boss would likely not appreciate the effort). And while I'm well aware my flexibility could use some work, I'm completely at ease with the fact I will absolutely never make it into a full wheel pose. And knowing that, I have a hard time trusting that these abilities won't disappear the second I change up my usual workout routine.

Yes, I understand that jumping up and down is good for me. While the universe would like me to think that 4 weeks of jumping up and down, killing myself, 9 minutes at a time will give me enviable abs, will it improve my 10k pace? Will lifting 10 pound weights for a solid 7 minutes straight help put more weight on the bicep bar, or will it just make me better at lifting almost nothing for absurd periods of time? I don't know. The cynical part of me thinks that as fit as all these people building the workout programs are, they must be doing SOMETHING beyond what they're telling me to do, right? They didn't REALLY get that fit just from doing what they're telling me to do. There have to be secret 10-milers on the side or some such...

But, I'll also never know what works unless I try it, right? And I probably can't completely destroy my current fitness abilities by switching up my routine for just one short month. Probably. That's what I'm going to keep telling myself as I tackle a month of my two new favorite workouts -- for the next 4 weeks (or however long I stick with it), I'm going to try and follow the ZCUT workouts and the MarchMakeover Blogilates calendar. Now, pretty much I already know this is doomed to failure since both programs advocate working out like 6 times a week, which I just don't do. I'm a 3- or 4-workouts a week kind of girl. 5 is a fantastic effort. 2 is pathetic. So I'm hoping by combining these two programs and maybe throwing in some extra cardio along the way I'll make up for my lack of every day dedication. And, if I'm really lucky, all this will be enough to tone me up for a stint as a bridesman in t-minus 5 weeks. Strapless dress, here I come...

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Enh.
Yesterday: Fancy dinner out, haven't exercised in days and days...
Environment: Indoors, at home!

Warmup: dynamic 7:00 [squats, lunges, pushups, etc]
Equipment: None!
Work Time: 25:00

ZCUT #1 - total time: 9:30 [includes extra 10 burpees]

Blogilates - POP Sculpt: Total Body Sculpt

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total in-Gym Time: 0:00!

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: Arms

So this workout was a leeeeettle bit of a cop-out, but boyfriend came home while I was in the middle of pop sculpt and as soon as that happens I always lose the motivation to do any more exercise. There's dinner to make! Pup to play with! And I always feel weird jumping up and down when there are other people in the house. Hopefully I'll get better at that, otherwise I'm never going to accomplish anything...

Friday, March 1, 2013

38:00 Run

So you know how they say you should schedule your workouts like you would a client meeting? Put them in your calendar and not let yourself get distracted by other things and whatnot. Well, I do that. Sorta. Only, because of the rigidity of my schedule, gym time always comes right after I get off work (and let's be honest - if even the whiff of something better to do comes my way I'm striking that appointment off like a match) (did that even make any sense? strike? match? maybe not), so the 'appointment' is more of a 'recurring 6pm event that sometimes gets deleted'.

Where I do find the practice useful is in the ability to look at a block of time and see generally what I've been up to. Once I've done a workout, I update my calendar with just a snippit of what I did. Just something short like '25:00 Stairs - circ. ints.', which tells me I did 25 minutes of stair climbing with circular intervals (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. No, it's not really circular, but in my head it makes sense. It's opposed to 'mtn ints' which would go 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, etc) or 'Full Body Lift [Fitnessista]'. It lets me see at a glance if I've been emphasizing a certain workout or slacking on some front. And you know what my calendar is telling me? I haven't been on a treadmill in over 3 weeks. Fail. Time to remedy that.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Left knee (no, not a muscle. but still feels weird)
Yesterday: BodyPump.
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 38:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 6.03.0~.3
3:01 - 5:007.53.0~.55
5:01 - 6:009.0
[:05 break]
3.0 [:30]
2.5 [:30]
6:01 - 6:309.52.5~.78
6:31 - 9:306.03.0~1.08
9:31 - 11:307.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
11:31 - 12:309.0
[:05 break]
12:31 - 13:009.52.0~1.56
13:01 - 16:00 6.03.0~1.86
16:01 - 18:007.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
18:01 - 19:009.0
[:10 break]
2.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
19:01 - 19:309.52.0~2.34
19:31 - 22:306.02.0 [1:00]
3.0 [2:00]
22:31 - 24:307.53.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
24:31 - 25:309.0
[:10 break]
2.5 [:30]
2.0 [:30]
25:31 - 26:009.51.5~3.12
26:01 - 27:003.51.5~3.18
27:01 - 29:00 4.0
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
29:01 - 32:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
32:01 - 35:005.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
35:01 - 36:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
36:01 - 38:00 3.51.0~4.0
Total: 38:006.32 mph670 m [vert]~4.00

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 5:00
Total Time: 55:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: quads

As usual, this workout kicked my ass. I find it really difficult to get through the full 6 1/2 minutes, building intensity as this does. Should I probably knock down the speed? Maybe. But I'd rather hop onto the rails for 10/15 seconds every once in awhile as a mini-break. And as you can probably tell -- I was dying by the second round. Thus, the breaks. And all the incline changes. Because I can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds, and even the slightest change gives me a benchmark to look forward to. Even if that change is 'make something harder'.