It's also recommended that I do 20 minutes of cardio, so if I have time/energy I'm thinking about doing a ZCUT. We'll see...
Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: none
Yesterday: cardio ride
Environment: indoors - raining outside :(
Equipment: dumbbells - 10lb
Work Time: 25:00
Total Body Lift:
Goal | Actual* | |
Exercise Name | Reps - Weight [type] | Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] |
Pile Squats + Arm Circles | 12/side | 12/side |
Warrior Lunge + Bicep Curl | 15/side - 10 lbs | 15/side |
Dead Lift + Shoulder Raise | 15 - 10 lbs | 15 |
Bridge Chest Press + Situp + Punch | 8/side - 10 lbs | 8/side |
Plank Jack + Opposite Knee Touch | 15/side | 15/side |
Side Plank + Reach-Through | 20/side | 20/side |
Total time | 15:00? | 15:00 |
Ab Bonus!
Goal | Actual* | |
Exercise Name | Reps - Weight [type] | Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] |
Back Lunge + Knee Lift + Twist | 20/side | 20/side |
Tricep Dip + Kick | 15/side | 20 [on chair] |
Side Plank + Dip (R) | 10 | 10 |
Plank + Opposite Knee Touch | 20/side | 20/side |
Side Plank + Dip (L) | 10 | 10 |
V-Sit | 20 | 20 |
Russian Twist | 20 | 20 |
Crunch | 20 | 20 |
Bicycle Crunch | 20 | 20 |
'Tornado' Leg Lifts | 2 | 2 |
Reverse Crunch | 20 | 20 |
Superman Lifts | 20 | 20 |
Total time | 10:00? | 8:00 |
Energy Level [1-5]: 3? Not really energized. Time for burgers!
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total Time: 30:00-ish
Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 0
Sore Areas: None. This is worrisome.
Oh balls. You know how I was curious about how this seemed really short? I finally found the (FINE PRINT RANDOMLY IN THE MIDDLE) bit that says 'repeat 1-3 times'. I guess I did it once, but I'm def not going to get anywhere doing that. Damnit. I hate wasting workouts... I'm just going to assume everything should be done 3x through from now on.
I didn't fit in any additional cardio because I got distracted by dinner, but I did walk the dog about 2 miles, which took forever - that counts right?