Thursday, January 10, 2013

Total Body Lift

First lifting session of the new year! Might be a disaster -- still really hurting from whatever injury I gave myself last week. But I'm going to try anyway, with a backup workout in my pocket if necessary.

I've done this workout before, but for the record it's from Women's Health's 'Big Book of 15 Minute Workouts' - titled 'High School Reunion Workout 1'.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Pain under left shoulderblade.
Yesterday: Beer. No workout.
Environment: Indoors.Relatively warm, for January!

Warmup: Elliptical - 5:00 - .5 mi
Equipment: BOSU, medicine ball: 15 lb, dumbbells: 8 lb [hex], 12 lb [hex], 15 lb
Work Time: 15:00?

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type]
One Leg Dip + Bicep Curl
One Leg Squat + Bicep Curl
15/leg - 12 lbs
12/leg - 15lbs
12/leg - 15lbs15/leg - 15lbs
Curls on alt. squats
[15 curls total]
BOSU 'Crab Walk'15/side [alt]15/side15/side
Back Lunge + Shoulder Press10/side - 15 lbs10/side - 15lbs
[only 17 presses]
20/side - 15lbs
Press on alt. squats
[20 total]
'Warrior' Row + Tricep Extension15/side [alt] - 12 lbs 10 lbs15/side - 10lbs15/side - 10lbs
Plank + Front Raise15/side [alt] - 5 lbs15/side - 5lbs15/side - 5lbs
Sumo Squat + Side Crunch15/side - 15 lbs12/side - 12lbs15/side - 12lbs
Stability Ball Crunch + Punch15/side [alt] - 5 lbs16 - 5lbs16 - 5lbs
Time to Complete15:00??

Bonus! Ab work:

Minutes Exercise
0:00 - 0:50Straight Arm Plank + Leg Raise
1:00 - 1:50T-Plank, R
2:00 - 2:50Straight Arm Plank
3:00 - 3:50T-Plank, L
4:00 - 4:50Pushups -- 20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total in-Gym Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Quads, Shoulders

Looks like my gym got rid of the hex dumbbells -- so disappointed! My shoulders notice a big different between 10 and 15 pounds, let me tell you. So I had to alter reps a little bit, combined with the fact I couldn't find a few of the other accessories I needed (BOSU ball, where have you gone?), and my workout was a little different that I originally planned. I didn't quite make all of my sets as I wanted, but it was a decent effort for the first lift in a few weeks. Woke up sore the next day -- stairs were a challenge! Also have to remember to write down times so I know how long these things take.

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