Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30:00 Bike + 10:00 Run + Butt/Abs [TIU]

Well, like a bum I decided to take the day off yesterday. That's three days in a row I didn't work out -- that doesn't happen too often, but when it does I always manage to feel slightly guilty. Unless I'm on vacation or something and there's good reason. But just... because I didn't feel like it? Not good enough. I regret not doing anything every.single.time. You'd think I'd learn. But sometimes there's just too much bleh to overcome...

I'm still feeling bleh. Boredom with my cardio options, I think, is the biggest problem. Typically I bounce between running, biking, and rowing, and I do well enough, but it's just not cutting it recently. Doesn't help that I think I've messed up my knee -- all those options make it hurt, so I'm scared to do anything truly intense for fear of seriously injuring myself. But at the same time, biking is the tamest thing I can think of and I've done that twice already in the past week. TWICE! BORED!

I'm considering sucking it up and running outside -- I haven't been out in ages since it's been cold, and every time it's been like 60 I've had other plans. Generally speaking I really hate running outside in the winter. It's cold, it's dark, and it's cold. And dark. Reasons! I really should just buy some damn gloves and get over it. 45 isn't too bad... right? Right? Guess we'll see...

To make up for yesterday's ennui I'm throwing in some ToneItUp butt and ab routines after my run, which will likely be a bit shorter than the usual 6 miles to accommodate the extra time I'll need. Probably won't make it through all 3 sets of everything, but there's a chance.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4 - lots of energy today, nothing inspiring to waste it on
Sore Areas: None
Yesterday: Laziness
Environment: Winter. 45 degrees. Freezing to death.


Equipment: Stationary Bike
Level: 16
Program: Random
Work time: 30:00
Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 5:00 75-801.35
5:01 - 10:00 95+ [:20]
0 [:10]
+ 1.70 = 3.05
10:01 - 30:00Repeat 0:00 - 10:00
+ 1.40 = 4.45 [@15:00]
+ 1.61 = 6.06 [@20:00]
+1.36 = 7.40 [@25:00]
+ 1.65 = 9.05 [@30:00]
Total: 30:003:19 min/mi9.05 mi.

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 10:00
Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]
0:00 - 2:00 4.0
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
2:01 - 5:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
5:01 - 8:005.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
8:01 - 9:00 5.3
backwards [1:00]
9:01 - 10:00 5.33.0

Booty Tone
Equipment: Dumbbells [10 lbs]
Exercise NameReps
Reverse Lunges20
1-Leg Deadlifts15/side
Table Kick + Step Up10/side
Table Leg Lifts15/side
Table Hamstring Curls15/side
Table Curled Pulses20/side
Table Circles15/side
Superman + Hamstring Curl15
Walking Bridges20
1-Leg Bridge15/side
Bridge Hip Swing20
Toe Bridges15

Abs Tone
Exercise NameReps - Weight
Standing Side Slump30 - 10lbs
Lunge + Twist Kick10/side - 10lb
Plank + Cat Tuck15/side
Elbow Plank Hip Drops20
Elbow Plank Side Kick3 [slow]
Beetle Crunches10 - 10lb
45 Degree Bicycles30

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total Time: 75:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 

Ended up being waaay too cold to run. A pox on the dark! But I still got in a decent workout, even if it took 482 lines to explain...

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