Friday, November 8, 2013

Total Body Tone [Blogilates/TIU]

A ridiculous mishmash of a workout today -- the Blogilates calendar has me doing the '100 workout', but I don't think that's going to be enough so I'm tacking on a pair of ToneItUp's full body routines. These workouts were originally sent out as a playlist, with the instructions to do each routine one time through. Except... each 'routine' has each exercise being done three times, so is one routine each exercise once, or the entire workout? I don't know! It said 'do each workout once through', so I'm going to assume that means one set of each exercise? Great. Also I'm just going to do the total body ones, because I don't have THAT much time on my hands!

Energy Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:  

Equipment: Dumbbells [10lbs]
Work Time: 44:00

'100 Workout': 100 reps each of: jumping jacks, situps, squats, bicycle crunches, pray pulses, bridges
** Done as 4x25 super sets -- jumping jacks/situps, squats/bicycle crunches, pulses/bridges
Time: 20:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight
Squat + Side Kick20
Plank + Pushup + Row + Fly20/side - 10lbs
Bridge Chest Flys15 - 10lbs
Bridge Triceps Curls15 - 10lbs
V-Sit Bicep Curl + Shoulder Press15 - 10lbs
Russian Twists20 - 10lb

Exercise NameReps - Weight
Reverse Lunge + Overhead Press10/side - 10lbs
Squat Circles + Triceps Press10/side - 10lbs
Curtsy Lunge + Row10/side - 10lbs
Cobra-Dog Pushups10

Exercise NameReps - Weight
Lunge + Standing Twist10/side - 10lbs
Triceps Dip + Kick8/side
Side Plank Dips 10/side
Plank Cross Tucks20
Russian Twists20
Bicycle Crunches20
Tornado Leg Lifts2
Reverse Crunches10

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


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