Thursday, January 31, 2013

Total Body Lift

Pretty consistently this is the time of the week where I don't wanna do anything anymore. Don't want to devise a new workout, don't want to cook anything, just want to curl up and wait for the weekend. And I haven't even done much this week! Lazy panda, over here. Perhaps I should think about using some of my early-week energy to map out workouts for later in the week when I don'wanna.

Luckily, the internet is full of people that will plan for me! Today's workout comes courtesy of the Fitnessista as part of her 'Winter Shape-Up 2013' series.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: None.
Yesterday: Beer, No exercise
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: dumbbells - 15lb
Work Time: 34:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type] Set 3: Reps - Weight [type]
Lateral Lunge R + 2 Jump Lunges + Lateral Lunge L10 rounds12 rounds
[start R]
12 rounds
[start L]
12 rounds
[alt. start]
Pile Squat + Bicep Curl + Overhead PressL)15 - 15 lbs15 -15 lbs15 - 15 lbs15 - 15 lbs
Single-Leg Bent-Over Row (L) + Squats + (R)12/side [alt] + 15 squats - 15 lbs15/side + 1515/side + 1515/side + 15
Plank + Knee Touch15/side 151515
Bridged Chest Press15 - 15 lbs20 - 15 lbs20 - 15 lbs20 - 15 lbs
Abs: On-elbow knee tuck + extend + life20202020
Total time
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 8:00
Total Time: 60:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: Upper quads/Hip Flexors, Upper Back

Whoops. Totally forgot to write the pushups into my book, so those fell by the wayside. Fail...

But aside from that, I actually felt really good after this workout! I think I found all the right weights/reps for the exercises I was doing, which doesn't happen too often. Definitely felt some burn/fatigue by the end, but in a good way.  Totally probably might have burnt off that Potbelly's sugar cookie I ate earlier (my undoing, EVERY TIME). Also I'm slightly worried my triceps aren't getting enough action -- going to have to look up some tricep moves and work them in in the future. Almost the weekend!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Distance Run - 6.5 mi

Originally hailing from the Windy City, I'm not what you would call 'accustomed' to 50-degree January afternoons. Subzero temps, sloppy sleet (only when not hailing, naturally), and massive winds? Streets and sidewalks so covered in slush and salt even my dog doesn't want to go outside? That's January, through and through. So when the universe decides to gift me with a warm spring day in the middle of winter, as it did yesterday, I feel downright guilty for not taking advantage of it.

Since dog hasn't gotten a good run in a few weeks, I decided to take him out for a spin. Although the sun had set by the time we got out of the house, there was a nice warm breeze and enough moisture in the air to make me think of proper Spring [random aside: what is it with people and the word 'moist'? You find some who shudder at the mere thought of the word. And if you ask them about it, the only real defense they can ever give is that the phrase 'moist panties' is downright cringe-worthy. Oh, so your first association with this arbitrary word is B-level romantic literature? Because mine is with delicious baked goods. Who wants a dry brownie? No one. Ever.

Clearly it's 'damp' you should be avoiding. When is 'damp' ever a good thing? Damp socks are the worst, damp towels probably mean you're cleaning, and damp pants? Sorry you were running late and had to get dressed before everything took its proper turn through the drier. Not the best way to start your morning, am I right?


What's even better is I actually remembered to time myself properly this time! Well, sorta. According to my watch, Dog and I covered 6.5 miles in 61 minutes. Not too bad, especially considering there were a myriad of stoplights and an inquisitive dog 'forcing' me to take breaks. I'd say there was easily 2-3 minutes of downtime, so I'm giving myself a pace under 9:00/mile, which I'm perfectly content with. Dog seemed to enjoy it too, though he was definitely slacking towards the end...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quick Total Body Lift

Such a fun weekend! It was my mom's birthday, so my sister and I joined her in Minneapolis to watch the baby sister's Cyclone gymnasts team take on the Golden Gophers. They lost, sadly, but there was some mad home court advantage going on -- 9.8s being out given to the Minnesotans like candy. Bah humbug.

But it was a most excellent weekend regardless -- saw the fam, had some good food and good wine, and a most excellent frittata Sunday morning. Middle sister and I even got in a bit of a workout Sunday morning -- she was curious as to this Blogilates thing I've been following, so we did a couple videos together. Pajama exercise for the win!

As usual after a decadent weekend I'm eager to get back to the gym and get back on track. Unfortunately, as always after an out-of-town weekend I have 6 million (margin of error: 3%) domestic chores to take care of. I'm out of clean clothes, there's no food in the house, and whatever my dog shredded all over the carpet needs to be vacuumed up (I think it was a cork... maybe a bone... possibly both). Not to mention the disaster in the kitchen or the 6 days of snow detritus that's been tracked across the floor. So... instead of a real workout, I'm going to take care of business and slip in this strength training quickie. I'll save the origin story for another time, but it's mostly a custom job that I use to supplement cardio sessions when I'm falling short on lift days or, on days like today, when I want to do something good for me but don't have a lot of time.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas:  None! A little stiff from the 5 hours I spent on a plane yesterday (thanks for the delay, Mother Nature) but nothing major.
Yesterday: Brunch. 5 hours on an airplane.
Environment: indoors -- weather can't decide what it wants to do. It might be slushing? Freezing rain? Who knows.

Equipment: none
Work Time: ~20:00

Chest [reps]Legs [reps]Abs [reps]Back [reps]
Round 1Pushups [14]Squat + Kick [28]Stability Ball Situps [28]Bent-Over Row [28 x 10lbs]
Round 2Pushups [20]Side Lunge [20/leg]Side Plank + Toe Tap [20/side]Upper Body Supermans [40]
Round 3Pushups [16]Alt. Front Lunge [16/leg]Plank + Leg Lift [16/leg]Standing Shoulder Blade Squeeze [32 x 10lbs]
Round 4Pushups [16]Sumo Squat [32]Russian Twists [32]Lower Body Supermans [40]
Round 5Pushups [22]Low-Half Squats [6 sets of 8]Mountain Climbers [50]Combo Supermans [50]

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time: 
Total Time: 

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Friday, January 25, 2013

15:00 Jump Rope

Very little time to workout today -- it's 'Prom' night! No, not actual Prom -- it's my company's annual Winter Gala. Every January they rent out a museum for us to frolic about in; we get dressed up super fancy and drink their booze whilst trying not to ruin the priceless dinosaurs or diamonds or canoes or whatever. There aren't a ton of opportunities in my life to actually wear a shiny dress, so I always enjoy the excuse. This year I ordered a new dress, which is currently sitting at the FedEx store, conveniently located on my route home from the office. Inconveniently, my wallet is sitting on the table at home and the FedEx guy needs my ID to release my package. So I have to go home, come back, AND get prettified before 8 PM, which isn't going to leave a lot of time for exercise. If I manage to squeeze in 15 minutes, it's going to be this 15 minute jump rope workout from the Women's Health Big Book of 15 Minute Workouts.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Legs hurt, but I think they're bruised and not actually sore
Yesterday: No exercise, four-more-years champagne
Environment: indoors - FREEZING. Coldest day of winter thus far.

Equipment: Jump Rope, 5 lb dumbbell
Work Time: 21:00

Jump Rope
Minutes Jump TypeSpeed
0:00 - 1:00 two-foot jumpModerate
1:01 - 2:00 single-foot jump
[:30 R / :30 L]
2:01 - 3:00 two-foot jumpModerate
3:01 - 4:00 single-foot jump
[:30 R / :30 L]
4:01 - 6:00
4:01 - 5:00
5:01 - 5:30
5:31 - 6:00
two-foot jump
two-foot jump
high knees
6:01 - 7:00 two-foot jumpModerate
7:01 - 8:30
7:01 - 8:00
double-under jumpsFast
8:31 - 9:30
8:00 - 9:00
two-foot jumpModerate
9:31 - 11:30
9:00 - 10:00
Jumping JacksModerate
11:31 - 12:30
10:00 - 11:00
two-foot jumpModerate
12:31 - 14:30
11:00 - 12:00
14:30 - 15:00
12:01 - 14:00
butt-kicks [:30]
high knees [:30]

14:00 - 15:00
two-foot jumpModerate
15:00 - 16:00single-foot jump
[:30 R / :30 L]
Total: 15:00

Ab bonus!
Blogilates 'Plank Workout for Flat Abs and Toned Arms'

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 15:00
Total Time: 40:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 0
Sore Areas: None! Surprisingly.

Couple things ended up happened -- first and most importantly, I decided to stop by FedEx before I went home just to see if I could get my package without my license, and the guy at the counter totally accepted my work badge as a valid ID! Win! So since I didn't have to trudge all the way home and back, I got to spend a little extra time at the gym -- I threw in the ab workout I skipped on Thursday to the end and took the opportunity to do some extra stretching.

Turns out I suck at jump roping. Or, rather, I suck at jump roping fast. I can keep my little moderate pace forever, but the second I speed up I start whipping myself with the rope. Not fun. So instead of speeding through 2 minutes, I added some butt kicks and high knees. Then the double-under jumps were a disaster, so instead of struggling through them for 2 minutes and spending most of that time tripping over the rope, I gave up after 1 minute and moved on. I added in more single-foot jumps later to make up for it. I also got bored 'running' so I went back to the butt kicks/high knees, which I figure are pretty much the same but harder.

Also, I somehow ended up doing 16 minutes instead of the 15 it was supposed to take. Don't really know how that happened, honestly...

{EDIT} -- the first two rounds of single foot jumping were supposed to be :30 each, not a minute. So I feel less bad about having to cut that minute in half and do :30/leg twice because after :30 my calves were ready to fall off

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blogilates - Full Body Focus

Am I the only person who thinks making decisions is taxing? I spent a solid (read: embarrassingly long) chuck of time today trying to figure out what to wear to a formal work event tomorrow and now I want nothing more than a nap. Sheesh.

As a result, I don't have the mental energy to pull together a workout for today. I'm going to be lucky if I manage to drag myself to the gym. My original plan was to make some modifications to a workout I did awhile back that involved interspersing lifting exercises with jumping rope. I wanted to modify it because I feel almost like I've gotten into somewhat of a lifting-moves rut. Like, seriously, I can't come up with anything better than squats with an shoulder press, maybe a lunge or two and some dumbbell rows? Apparently not. Not today anyway (although I did see a girl at the gym this week doing some squat while front/side dumbbell lifting thing that looked mad hard, so I'm going to have to work that in at some point in the future). Throw in my constant fear that I'm working all the same muscles in all the same ways all the time (re: squats and lunges) and the result is that I've changed my mind and am going to go in my new favorite not-quite-convinced-it's-a-real-thing-yet workout: Blogilates! I'll jump around tomorrow...

However, in the (granted, short amount of) time I've been working with the program Cassey Ho puts together, I've noticed one thing: girl loves her some lower body workouts. If you browse her channels, it seems like 4 out of every 5 videos is dedicated to having a perky butt or long lean legs. While I can't deny wanting both of those things, I do also have arms that could use some work and a back that is punished by sitting in a desk 9 hours a day. So I'm switching out some of the extra booty work suggested for today's workout and subbing in back and arm videos chosen completely at random. Because that's always a good idea.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas:Nothing beyond the usual.
Yesterday: No exercise. A couple beers.
Environment: Indoors. Super cold. Forgot sweatpants. Eff...

Equipment: None!
Work Time: 1:00:00

JaNEWary Full Body Focus - 1/24 [Modified]

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 0
Total in-Gym Time: 0 -- done at home

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: Back, a little

Lost my gym motivation at some point in the middle of the afternoon when I also decided I didn't want to cook dinner. I blame work. Luckily, boyfriend offered to bring home salads so I didn't have to make anything. So while he did that, I decided to go home to take care of the pup, and then do this workout at home. It was immediately difficult, as usual, but I'm not feeling a lot of post-workout soreness. I might have been slacking -- it's been known to happen when I try to work out at home. Didn't help that boyfriend came home about halfway though with my dinner; it kind of killed my momentum, and I definitely cut the last ab workout short out. There was salad to eat!

Lesson learned: even if I'm working out at home, pretend there are people judging me. No slacking!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

20:00 Stairs + 20:00 Bike

Laundry is the worst. Honestly. Somehow, I always have a mountain of it, and, on the rare occasion where I get it down to nothing I realize that as soon as I take off whatever I'm currently wearing there's going to be more to do. A vicious cycle, to be sure. And what's worse, since I've been neglecting Mt. St. Laundry recently, I ran out of 'good' bras! Anyone else have 'good' bras? The select few that you've stumbled upon over time that actually do what they're supposed to do and keep everything strapped down? I have, like, three. The other 47 in my drawer? Functional, but I probably shouldn't jump rope in them. Although sometimes I do anyway. Whoops. That's Future Britt's problem.

Anyway, since everything clean was also stupid, I ended up going low-impact yesterday. The stair stepper, which I've recently discovered is a bitch and a half and therefore probably really good for me, and the ol' stand-by stationary bike. I'll get back to jumping up and down later this week.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Legs hurt, but I think they're bruised and not actually sore
Yesterday: No exercise, four-more-years champagne
Environment: indoors - FREEZING. Coldest day of winter thus far.

Equipment: Stair Stepper, Stationary Bike
Work Time: 40:00

Minutes Intensity (steps/minute) Total Distance (floors)
0:00 - 1:00 51~5
1:01 - 2:00 60~11
2:01 - 3:00 69~18
3:01 - 4:00 78~26
4:01 - 5:00 91~35
5:01 - 7:00 101~55
7:01 - 17:00 repeat 1:01 - 6:00
1701 - 20:00 60
forward [1:00]
side step - L [1:00]
side step - R [1:00]
Total: 20:0076.5 [avg]153

Stationary Bike
Program: Random
Level: 15
Minutes Intensity (RPM) Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 5:00 70-75~1.3
5:01 - 10:00~95 [:20]
~30 [:10]
10:01 - 15:00 70-753.75
15:01 - 20:00 ~95 [:20]
~30 [:10]
Total: 20:00

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 60:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 0
Sore Areas: None! Surprisingly.

Everything I've heard about the stair stepper is that it's a total butt burner, but after awhile it wasn't my butt that was tired, it was my quads! Butt still isn't sore even the day after. Must look into this.

Also the stair stepper at my gym is stupid -- it goes by 'levels' which correspond to an awkward number of floors per minute, which in turn equal 10 steps per floor. For example, level 9 is equivalent to 5.1 floors per minute, which is the same thing as 51 stairs per minute. Why 51 and not 50? Hell if I know. Then while levels 10, 11, and 12 are a fairly normal 55, 60 and 65 stairs/minute, 13 decides to be 69 instead of 70. WTF? Why can't I just plug in nice round numbers for how many stairs I want? Plus the machine maxes out at a paltry 101 (...) steps/min, which is why there's an awkward 2 minute interval in there. The idea was to do all one minute intervals topping out at whatever level was closest to 110, but I never got that high. But by the time I figure out it wasn't going any faster I was already like 20 seconds in so I just rolled with it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

23:00 Run + 13:00 Row + 13:00 Bike

Kind of copped out of a cardio workout yesterday 1) because my obliques were still killing me, and 2) because I had a killer stew recipe I wanted to try that was going to take upwards of 2 hours. So I jumped up and down a bit, but not as long as I should have. As a result, going to try to hit it hard today. And it's Saturday! I never remember to work out on Saturdays. Win!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Obliques, legs
Yesterday: Wine, short cardio session
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Treadmill, Rowing Machine, Stationary Bike
Work Time: 48:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 6.02.0
3:01 - 5:00 7.02.0
5:01 - 6:00 8.02.0
6:01 - 6:30 9:002.0
6:31 - 9:30 6.02.0
9:31 - 11:30 7.52.0
11:31 - 12:30 9.02.0
12:31 - 13:00
13:01 - 14:00 4.02.0
14:01 - 16:00 4.0
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
16:01 - 19:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
19:01 - 22:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle [R -1:00]
side shuffle [L - 1:00]
22:01 - 23:00 5.0
backwards [1:00]
Total: 23:00

*Note: 'Total Distance' is distance read off the treadmill, values starting with '~' are calculated post-workout based on speed, values without were recorded in real time.

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 3:00 2:33
3:01 - 5:00 2:13
5:01 - 6:00 2:03
6:01 - 6:30 1:50-1440
6:31 - 9:30 2:33
9:31 - 11:30 2:13
11:31 - 12:30 2:03
12:31 - 13:00 1:50-2880
Total: 13:002:13 [avg]2880

Stationary Bike
Level: 14
Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 3:00 67
3:01 - 5:00 77
5:01 - 6:00 87
6:01 - 6:30 100+1.7
6:31 - 9:30 75
9:31 - 11:30 85
11:31 - 12:30 95
12:31 - 13:00 100+3.58
Total: 13:00~85 [avg]3.58

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 5
Sore Areas: Hamstrings. Walking is a chore.

Biking was harder than was strictly necessary -- maybe I did more this week that I originally thought. Legs are shot, stairs are almost out of the question.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Total Body Lift + 15:00 Incline Treadmill

Still a little sore from the Pilates workout I tried Tuesday -- guess it does work after all! Especially for those tiny muscles I typically miss during straight lifting sessions -- inner/outer thighs, stuff like that. I'm going to have to start working more of these in.

Woke up feeling like death today. We had week 1 of my new 'game-show' trivia league yesterday and I was Not Impressed by the bar food, which led to drinking on an empty stomach. Rookie mistake. It then led to a late-night visit to one of the more expensive restaurants in the immediate area, a huge steak, mashed potatoes, and sweet potato fries. No regrets! Well, ok, maybe a few. Probably should have saved some leftovers for the pup.

ANYWAY, I'm revisiting a workout from the Women's Health book of 15-minute workouts. Last time I did this workout, I was also coming off of a night of excessive drinking, so I'm not expecting my best work today. But at least I know I'll get through it!

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Inner thighs, Butt
Yesterday: Beer, No exercise
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: dumbbells - 10lb, 15lb, 40lb [x1]; stability ball
Work Time: 41:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type]
Squat + Overhead Press15 - 15lbs15 - 15lbs15 - 15lbs
DB Pushup + Row10 - 10lb 
12 pushups + 12 rows - 15lbs
12 + 12 - 15lbs6 + 12 - 15lbs
Reverse Lunge + DB Curl15/side [alt] - 10lbs15/side - 10lbs15/side - 10lbs
Tricep Crab Dip + Leg Raise15/side 10/side20 - no leg raise
Sumo Squat15 - 40lb 15 - 40lbs15 - 40lbs
Lunge + Side Raise15/side [alt] - 10lbs15/side - 10lbs1-Leg Bent Rows: 15/side
Stability Ball Mountain Climbers303030
Total time7:30 [x2]13:0013:00
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Cardio Bonus:
Equipment: Incline Treadmill
Speed: 3.0 MPH

Minutes Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 2:00 9.0
2:01 - 3:00 12.0
3:01 - 4:00 15.0
4:01 - 5:00 18.0
5:01 - 6:00 21.0
6:01 - 7:00 24.0
7:01 - 8:00 21.0
8:01 - 9:00 18.0
9:01 - 10:00 15.0
10:01 - 11:00 12.0
11:01 - 12:00 9.0
12:01 - 15:00 6.0.75 mi; 509 m vertical

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: Butt, Hamstrings

I switched out the lunges in the last set because I felt like I wasn't hitting my hamstrings enough with the other moves, and lo and behold what do I do? Come thisclose to pulling one of said hamstrings. Good job me. So that's why I added the slow cardio on the incline -- wanted to work the muscle just a little but not put too much strain on it. Hopefully it'll be better soon!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blogilates - Full Body Focus

I've stated on several occasions that Pilates isn't my thing. For one, I get the general impression that you need about 4 trillion accessories to even get started. Medicine balls and squishy balls and resistance rings and weighted bars and what the hell is that slidy-table thing? I can't even begin to figure out how that thing works. Too many cables. Pilates studios = terrifying.

However, another constant struggle in my life is to come up with new workouts that don't bore me to death. Personally, I can't come up with anything more imaginative that 'do some squats and maybe a bicep curl or something?' so I tend to look to others for workout inspiration. As a result, when one of the blogs I follow, The Skinny Confidential, gave a ringing endorsement of Cassy Ho and her Blogilates program, I decided to check it out. She's a certified Pilates instructor and Fitness magazine seems to think she's legit (like, Jillian-Michaels-level legit), so that was a good a reason as any to poke around.

Cassey designs short, modular, 4-7 minute mini-workouts that are meant to be combined into a longer sweat session. You can put them together yourself, but Cassey also designs a monthly workout calendar with suggestions for any given day. The workouts are free on YouTube, which isn't even the best part -- that would be the fact they're largely equipment free! No torture table for me, thankyouverymuch. They're also designed to be done in approximate the space a yoga mat takes up. No cost, no accessories, and virtually no gym (or living room) space needed -- sign me up!

I signed up for her newsletter and got access to her 'JaNEWary' calendar. I needed a strengthening workout, and 1/15 happened to be a 'Full Body Focus' day, so I rolled with it.

As I said, the modules are all free on YouTube, so I made a playlist with the videos for the day, carved out a little bit of floor space at the gym, and got to work!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Back still hurts.
Yesterday: Zumba! No alcohol.
Environment: Indoors.

Warmup: Overrated.
Equipment: None!
Work Time: ???

JaNEWary Full Body Focus - 1/15

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total in-Gym Time: ??

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Obliques, Quads, Hamstrings

I'm not going to lie -- I wasn't expecting much from this workout. I consider myself to be a fairly fit human being, so how hard could a couple of lunges and a plank be? Well, apparently, really fucking hard. I think it's the duration of the sets that's the killer -- it's not 'do 10 lunges', it's 'We're going to do lunges until whenever. Like 2 minutes? Maybe? Whatever. Keep going!!'

Truthfully Cassey is a little more chipper than I typically like in a trainer, but her workouts are no joke. I'm definitely going to try and fit in more of her workouts, especially on days when I have no motivation to think of anything myself. I like the idea of variety and hitting more neglected muscles -- squats are great, but they don't exactly tone my inner thighs.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Total Body Lift

First lifting session of the new year! Might be a disaster -- still really hurting from whatever injury I gave myself last week. But I'm going to try anyway, with a backup workout in my pocket if necessary.

I've done this workout before, but for the record it's from Women's Health's 'Big Book of 15 Minute Workouts' - titled 'High School Reunion Workout 1'.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Pain under left shoulderblade.
Yesterday: Beer. No workout.
Environment: Indoors.Relatively warm, for January!

Warmup: Elliptical - 5:00 - .5 mi
Equipment: BOSU, medicine ball: 15 lb, dumbbells: 8 lb [hex], 12 lb [hex], 15 lb
Work Time: 15:00?

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type]
One Leg Dip + Bicep Curl
One Leg Squat + Bicep Curl
15/leg - 12 lbs
12/leg - 15lbs
12/leg - 15lbs15/leg - 15lbs
Curls on alt. squats
[15 curls total]
BOSU 'Crab Walk'15/side [alt]15/side15/side
Back Lunge + Shoulder Press10/side - 15 lbs10/side - 15lbs
[only 17 presses]
20/side - 15lbs
Press on alt. squats
[20 total]
'Warrior' Row + Tricep Extension15/side [alt] - 12 lbs 10 lbs15/side - 10lbs15/side - 10lbs
Plank + Front Raise15/side [alt] - 5 lbs15/side - 5lbs15/side - 5lbs
Sumo Squat + Side Crunch15/side - 15 lbs12/side - 12lbs15/side - 12lbs
Stability Ball Crunch + Punch15/side [alt] - 5 lbs16 - 5lbs16 - 5lbs
Time to Complete15:00??

Bonus! Ab work:

Minutes Exercise
0:00 - 0:50Straight Arm Plank + Leg Raise
1:00 - 1:50T-Plank, R
2:00 - 2:50Straight Arm Plank
3:00 - 3:50T-Plank, L
4:00 - 4:50Pushups -- 20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total in-Gym Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Quads, Shoulders

Looks like my gym got rid of the hex dumbbells -- so disappointed! My shoulders notice a big different between 10 and 15 pounds, let me tell you. So I had to alter reps a little bit, combined with the fact I couldn't find a few of the other accessories I needed (BOSU ball, where have you gone?), and my workout was a little different that I originally planned. I didn't quite make all of my sets as I wanted, but it was a decent effort for the first lift in a few weeks. Woke up sore the next day -- stairs were a challenge! Also have to remember to write down times so I know how long these things take.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DIstance Run

It's been a week now since I contracted the plague, so naturally I'm starting to feel guilty about slacking on the workout front. While I think I get major points for going at all, it's time to get over the excuses and get back up to speed.

It's currently a ridiculous 50 degrees outside (in JANUARY!), and since pup has been languishing at my mother's house for several months where I know he wasn't run at all, I'm going to use this opportunity to get in a rare winter run. 'Rare' because it had better be about 50 degrees for me to go outside -- I'm not so dedicated to running that I'll invest in or put on anything more than a long sleeve Underarmor in response to inclement weather. You will def not find me out there when it's anywhere near freezing -- I hate gloves and I hate running with my ears covered. Gives me earaches.


Energy Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:
Environment: Outdoors - warm! Surprisingly.

Equipment: none!
Work Time: 55:00
Distance: 4.5 mi.

Energy Level [1-5]:
 Stretch Time:
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:

It was 55 minutes from the time when I left my house to the time I got back inside. That includes the time it took to walk out to the street, walk the dog a block to get him prepped, the run, several doggie stops, lights, plus the several block walk at the end to cool down. When I take that into account, I don't feel so bad about running only 4.5 miles in 55 timed minutes [12 minute miles? I can do better than that...]. It was probably closer to 40 minutes or so. I hope. I really need to start remembering to set my running timer...

Friday, January 4, 2013

30:00 Incline Treadmill Walk

Feeling slightly less like death, but still nowhere near 100%. Everything hurts, but especially my back. I'm starting to wonder whether I did something to it, and it's not just sickness. Maybe when I rowed Monday? I don't know. Regardless, I wasn't feeling up to anything very intense today, so I decided to go with a incline walking workout. It's literally the one on the little paper thing at the top of all the incline treadmills in my gym. Claims to burn lots'a calories in a short amount of time. Hopefully it's not lying!

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: none, really
Yesterday: No alcohol, no exercise
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Incline Treadmill
Work Time: 30:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 3.59.0~.17
3:01 - 13:00 3.521.0~.76
13:01 - 18:00 2.530.0~.97
18:01 - 28:00 3.521.0~1.5
28:01 - 30:00

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total Time: 40:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: I0
Sore Areas: None

The walking was actually harder than I expected, although it did feel like I was breathing icicles the entire time. I hate being sick -- hopefully I'll be 100% soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

40:00 Stationary Bike

Felt like death today -- I think boyfriend brought the plague to me from somewhere. Struggled through work, couldn't even think about doing any real work at the gym. Instead, I ended up on a stationary bike with a magazine. Powered through 40 minutes, on the 'fat burn' setting. Don't know if it means I'm out of shape or not, but it took very little resistance to keep my heart rate at 168. Oh well, something's always better than nothing!

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas: none, really
Yesterday: No alcohol, no exercise, hangover recovery day
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Stationary Bike
Work Time: 40:00

Level: 8
Heart Rate (BPM)
Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 40:00 avg: 16814.5

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total Time: 50:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: ?
Sore Areas: Still have plague. EVERYTHING hurts.
