Monday, April 1, 2013

ZCUT #10 + Blogilates - Abs

As expected, a ridiculously over-the-top weekend with the pops. Happy hour (on a boat!), pizza, boozy brunch, ginormous pasta platters, slightly less boozy but infinitely more buttery buffet brunch, and then Easter ham and biscuits to top everything off. My body is literally pissed at me -- sleeping last night was a chore due to the intense stomachache. I think it was the pounds of butter I likely secretly consumed. Or salt poisoning. Probably both.

Funny story: dog is right there with me on the stomachache train. This weekend he managed to both steal and consume most of a costco-sized bag of turkey jerky AND the half-ham that was sitting on the counter waiting to be turned into leftovers. After the jerky he drank about 3 gallons of water because his tiny doggie brain was overwhelmed with salt. And then demanded to go outside at inconvenient hours. Naturally. And the ham? Neatly removed from the 2-inch deep roasting pan sitting on the counter WITHOUT KNOCKING OVER THE PAN. I swear that dog is part ninja. Or mountain goat. Probably both.

Regardless, it's all veggies and whole grains and workouts for me. Especially in these last two weeks before the wedding (first-time bridesmaid... I have no idea what's going on ever. But I WILL look good in this dress damnit. After I remember to pick it up. Which I WILL NOT FORGET to do!).

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Stomach. Uggggggh butter death.
Yesterday: Easter. Family weekend. Death by salt and buffet.
Environment: Indoors. It's cold outside! Still...

Warmup: dynamic 5:00 [squats, lunges, pushups, etc]
Equipment: None!
Work Time: ~45:00

ZCUT #10 : Time challenge: 180 Burpees, Low Jacks, Bicycles, Forward Lunge + Back Lunge + Jump Lunge, Side-to-Side Plank hops, Jump Lunges + Squat Jump [2 rounds] -- 12:34

Blogilates - Uh Oh Obliques
Blogilates - Good Time Abs Challenge

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total in-Gym Time: 45:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Obliques

Well. That was lame. My original plan was to do this entire Blogilates workout after my jumping around, but I failed. After jumping around I just didn't have the heart to keep going. ZCUT is getting progressively more difficult (I'm on to you, Zuzanna...) and it's taking more and more time and more and more effort to get through it. When I then tried to immediately go into the spring fling workout there was rampant failure. So I said fine, I'll move that to the end, I'll do the rest of the videos and come back to it! I did get through the obliques vid, then the ab challenge mostly killed my already aching quads (I have a real bad tendency to over-use my hip flexors and under-use my lower abs. I'm trying to work on it) and I mostly ended up flopping around. The final straw was the the total-body video didn't load to my phone properly (wrong video format or something). To add insult to injury, the inner thigh challenge involved panty flashing the gym for a solid 5 minutes. So I told myself I'd finish those two, plus the spring fling vid, at home with the computer. Clearly that didn't happen -- after stopping at the grocery store and remembering/tackling a literal mountain of Easter cooking dishes (our dishwasher is broken, kill me now) I just didn't have the energy. Yes, I'm full of excuses. Yes, I hate myself for it. But... tomorrow is another day!

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