Tuesday, November 26, 2013

26:00 Row + ZCUT #2

Feeling like kind of a failure today - all the workouts I've seemed to try recently haven't really been all *that* hard, and I've been feeling really crunched for time. That's no different today - with my flight tomorrow morning I have 2387416034 things to wrap up around here before I get to go vacay, but with Thanksgiving this week I can just not go to the gym. Not an option. So today I'm going to try two things I'm fairly certain will kick my butt -- rowing and a ZCUT. With a little luck this will only take about 40 minutes total, which fits in my schedule, and it should kick my butt. If I find I have some extra time I'm going to do some abs because I don't remember the last time those were sore. Hopefully I get enough done tonight that I can slip in a morning workout too - I need to at least stretch before spending hours and hours at the airport.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Upper back
Yesterday: lame 3 miles
Environment: indoors. freezing. raining. thanks "winter storm boreas"

Equipment: Rowing Machine
Work Time: 40:00

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 3:00 2:20
3:01 - 5:00 2:10
5:01 - 6:00 2:00
6:01 - 6:30 1:50-
6:31 - 26:00Repeat 0:00 - 6:30

Total: 26:00

ZCUT #2: Time Trial
prisoner get-ups, sumo squat jumps, side lunge jumps, skaters, spiders, high knees to burpee, plyo jumps
Total time:

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time:
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Monday, November 25, 2013

35:00 Run [TIU]

Happy Thanksgiving week! I'm so excited! But kind of apprehensive -- I have so.much.things to do, and very little time to do it in. It seems like that's always the case before I go out of town -- all of a sudden there's laundry everywhere, I have no clean clothes to pack, my fridge is magically full of food that needs to be consumed (zeus knows this never happens unless I have to leave...) and my social calendar is unusually full. Plus I have to fit in the gym! So it looks like for the next couple days my workouts are going to be a bit shorter than usual, but I have Big Plans to make up for it when I get home to my beloved Lifetime. Kickboxing, Zumba, the lap pool... I might just live there for the 5 days of Thanksgiving...

This workout is based on the ToneItUp fat burning treadmill workout I did last week, but I changed the intervals to make it easier to remember. And hopefully a little harder.

Energy Level [1-5]: 2.5
Sore Areas: None!
Yesterday: Not much to report.
Environment: indoors. COLD.

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 35:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 4.09.0~.2
3:01 - 5:006.5 (ish)0.0 - ????????
5:01 - 7:007.05.0~.23
7:01 - 9:00 9.5 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
[~.44 without rest]
9:01 - 11:004.07.0~.68
[~.58 without rest]
11:01 - 13:007.55.0~.93
[~.83 w.r.]
13:01 - 15:00 9.5 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
[~1.03 w.r.]
15:01 - 17:004.07.0~1.38
[~1.17 w.r.]
17:01 - 35:00Repeat 5:00 - 11:00
5.0 [2:00]
3.0 [2:00]
7.0 [2:00]
~2.08 [~1.76 w.r.]
~ 2.78 [~2.36 w.r.]
3.42 [~2.95 w.r.]
35:006.84 mph [avg]
[~5.9 mph w.r.]
5.0 [avg]3.42
[~2.95 w.r.]

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 45:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: Upper back (likely unrelated...)

This workout started poorly and ended about the same way. The first treadmill I got on was one of those super intense incline ones -- the one that'll take you up to like 30 degrees if you push the right button. Except this one was possessed. I asked it for 9 degrees and it put me up higher than the girl next to me, who was doing 14. WTH, treadmill? I tried flattening it out and trying again, but every time I pushed a button it just seemed to add that incline to whatever I currently had.

Eventually I gave up and went to a normal treadmill, at which point I did a paltry 3 miles. 3. Miles. That barely counts as having worked out today. Maybe I get extra points for higher incline? Sorta not really... I'm not even quite sure the non-incline-intense treadmill knew what 7 degrees where. I wouldn't be surprised to find out it only changed like 2 degrees. Our equipment isn't the best, if you missed that part... sigh. My original plan was to pair this shortie cardio workout with some booty moves, but the gym was so.full I couldn't find any out of the way floorspace to thurst. Clearly I'm not doing that shiz in the middle of the room, so... I left instead. I should probably stop letting the fullness of the gym dictate hoe my workouts go though - it's not like any of these people are going anywhere for the next few months, and it's definitely going to get worse at the new year. My other option is to be more disciplined about finishing my workouts when I get home. Perhaps I can convince boyfriend to clean out his man cave in the spare bedroom over the holiday so I can lift in peace in there...

At least I got dinner done and some laundry folded. Little victories!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Total Body Tone [Blogilates]

Yesterday was miserable so I didn't get a workout done, which means I need to fit one in today. We have brunch plans, luckily the people we're going with today don't get up much before noon so I have time to slip one in this morning. Boyfriend is going to the actual gym, but I've done that a fair bit this week (for all that they've been shortie workouts) so I think I'm going to stay home. Plus, I had a hard time getting out of bed and would rather work out than spend useless time in transit. It's early and my brain isn't functioning at its optimal level yet so I'm going for something easy - the blogilates 100 workout.

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Sore Areas:  None
Yesterday: Nothing.
Environment: None.

Equipment: None
Work Time: 30:00

'100 Workout': 100 reps each of: jumping jacks, squats, situps, bridges, bicycle crunches, pray pulses
Time: about 20:00? (I failed to note my end time)

Blogilates - Whoa Whoa Workout

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 0:00
Total Time: 45:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 

I guess working out first thing in the morning isn't really my bag. I kind of wandered through these exercises, definitely not giving it my all. It took me like a hundred years to get through the squats alone, not to mention the fact I wandered into the kitchen at some point for water. I did get all the way through the tacked on blogilates workout, so... there's that. It's a 'something better than nothing' kind of day...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

30:00 Run [TIU]

Looks like I'm stuck at work a bit late today AND I have fancy dinner plans later, so unfortunately not a lot of time for healthiness today. I hate when I have to unexpectly work late - every minute saps away my will to care about anything other than getting home and being a slug. Preferably with a glass of wine and a blanket. And dog. BUT. I know for a fact I'll be eating 1038703 calories at the new fancy brew pub boyfriend and I are trying later, so I shall endeavor to do something that's good for me. The girls at ToneItUp released this fat burning treadmill workout today, so I think I'll give it a shot. Never say no to some quality fat burninating.

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Quads
Yesterday: total body tabata
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 30:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 4.07.0~.2
3:01 - 5:006.54.0~.41
5:01 - 6:008.02.5~.55
6:01 - 8:004.07.0~.68
8:01 - 10:007.04.0~.91
10:01 - 11:008.52.0~1.05
11:01 - 13:004.09.0~1.19
13:01 - 15:007.55.0~1.44
15:01 - 15:309.03.0
15:31 - 16:00<BREAK>
16:01 - 16:309.02.5
16:30 - 17:00<BREAK>
17:01 - 17:309.02.5
18:30 - 18:00<BREAK>
18:01 - 18:459.02.0~2.00
18:46 - 20:004.05.0~2.08
20:01 - 23:007.53.0~2.46
23:01 - 25:014.03.0~2.59
25:01 - 28:016.53.0 -> 1.0~2.92
28:01 - 30:
Total: 30:006.06 mph [avg]

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time: 
Total Time: 

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

This workout was... inconclusively difficult. I don't know if there was much fat burning going on. It was definitely hard to follow. Like, there was *almost* a 2: walk/2: run/1: sprint thing going on, but then it switched to :30 sprint/:30 rest... then 7 of the last 10:00 were supposed to be walking which seems like a huge waste to me. And to barely hit 3 miles in 30 minutes? That's nothing. I kind of like this style of workout with the hill and the speed differences, but next time I take it on there are going to be some changes.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Total Body Tabata [P&I]

Trying something a bit different today as I'm due for a total body lifting session but don't particularly feel like making one up. So I perused some of the workouts I have saved and remembered the Pumps & Iron website. Most of her workouts are tabata-style, which is going to work great considering I don't really feel like spending too much time working out today. I'm into efficiency. This is based off of the P&I 30-minute interval workout.

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

Work Time: 30:00
Equipment: Kettlebell [20 lb]
Timing: For each exercise, :30 work, :10 rest; 9 exercises x 5 sets

ExerciseApproximate # Reps
Kettlebell High Pull - R - 20lb 15
Kettlebell High Pull - L - 20lb15
Side V-Up - R20
Side V-Up - L20
Burpee + Push Up7
Plank Tucks30
Kettlebell Swing15
Reverse Plank:30
Split Squat Jumps20

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 5:00
Total Time: 45:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Traps, Quads

That was a nice little workout! I was definitely sweating by the end. Missing a little bit in the back muscles department, but that can be remedied the next time around. Maybe the planks can be plank rows or something.

So I'm torn on this style of workout, because on the one had it's done in a set amount of time. But on the other, I know I'm definitely slacking a little more than I could be. It's the time that gets to me -- I operate much better on a 'reps' basis. Once I get the number I think I can do in the time, I kind of give up once I've hit that number. It might help to think to myself that for each set I should do one more or something, but as I get more and more tired those numbers are unattainable and I start giving up earlier. Hmm. Need to figure out something to keep me working hard through the end of the time...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30:00 Bike + 10:00 Run + Butt/Abs [TIU]

Well, like a bum I decided to take the day off yesterday. That's three days in a row I didn't work out -- that doesn't happen too often, but when it does I always manage to feel slightly guilty. Unless I'm on vacation or something and there's good reason. But just... because I didn't feel like it? Not good enough. I regret not doing anything every.single.time. You'd think I'd learn. But sometimes there's just too much bleh to overcome...

I'm still feeling bleh. Boredom with my cardio options, I think, is the biggest problem. Typically I bounce between running, biking, and rowing, and I do well enough, but it's just not cutting it recently. Doesn't help that I think I've messed up my knee -- all those options make it hurt, so I'm scared to do anything truly intense for fear of seriously injuring myself. But at the same time, biking is the tamest thing I can think of and I've done that twice already in the past week. TWICE! BORED!

I'm considering sucking it up and running outside -- I haven't been out in ages since it's been cold, and every time it's been like 60 I've had other plans. Generally speaking I really hate running outside in the winter. It's cold, it's dark, and it's cold. And dark. Reasons! I really should just buy some damn gloves and get over it. 45 isn't too bad... right? Right? Guess we'll see...

To make up for yesterday's ennui I'm throwing in some ToneItUp butt and ab routines after my run, which will likely be a bit shorter than the usual 6 miles to accommodate the extra time I'll need. Probably won't make it through all 3 sets of everything, but there's a chance.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4 - lots of energy today, nothing inspiring to waste it on
Sore Areas: None
Yesterday: Laziness
Environment: Winter. 45 degrees. Freezing to death.


Equipment: Stationary Bike
Level: 16
Program: Random
Work time: 30:00
Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 5:00 75-801.35
5:01 - 10:00 95+ [:20]
0 [:10]
+ 1.70 = 3.05
10:01 - 30:00Repeat 0:00 - 10:00
+ 1.40 = 4.45 [@15:00]
+ 1.61 = 6.06 [@20:00]
+1.36 = 7.40 [@25:00]
+ 1.65 = 9.05 [@30:00]
Total: 30:003:19 min/mi9.05 mi.

Equipment: Treadmill
Work Time: 10:00
Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]
0:00 - 2:00 4.0
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
2:01 - 5:00 4.5
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
5:01 - 8:005.0
backwards [1:00]
side shuffle R [1:00]
side shuffle L [1:00]
8:01 - 9:00 5.3
backwards [1:00]
9:01 - 10:00 5.33.0

Booty Tone
Equipment: Dumbbells [10 lbs]
Exercise NameReps
Reverse Lunges20
1-Leg Deadlifts15/side
Table Kick + Step Up10/side
Table Leg Lifts15/side
Table Hamstring Curls15/side
Table Curled Pulses20/side
Table Circles15/side
Superman + Hamstring Curl15
Walking Bridges20
1-Leg Bridge15/side
Bridge Hip Swing20
Toe Bridges15

Abs Tone
Exercise NameReps - Weight
Standing Side Slump30 - 10lbs
Lunge + Twist Kick10/side - 10lb
Plank + Cat Tuck15/side
Elbow Plank Hip Drops20
Elbow Plank Side Kick3 [slow]
Beetle Crunches10 - 10lb
45 Degree Bicycles30

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total Time: 75:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 

Ended up being waaay too cold to run. A pox on the dark! But I still got in a decent workout, even if it took 482 lines to explain...

Friday, November 15, 2013

10:00 Jump Rope + 26:00 Bike + Tone

Aiming for a version of ToneItUp's Jump Your Heart Out workout!

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

Work Time: ~50:00

Equipment: Jump Rope
Minutes Jump Type
0:00 - 3:00 Warmup - Side/Side, Slow
<BREAK>Side Lunges - 15/side
3:00 - 4:00:30 Butt Kicks, :30 High Knees
<BREAK>Plank + Leg Lift - 1:00
4:00 - 5:30:30 Left, :30 Right, :30 Two Foot
<BREAK>Squats - 20
5:30 - 7:30:30 Two Foot, :30 In-Out, :30 Side-Side, :30 Scissor Jump
Total: 7:30

Equipment: Stationary Bike
Level: 15
Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 3:00 80
3:01 - 5:00 90
5:01 - 6:00 95
6:00 - 6:30 105+2.06
<BREAK>Pushups - 12
Pike Pushups - 12
Tricep Dips - 12
6:31 - 9:30 80
9:31 - 11:30 90
11:31 - 12:30 95
12:31 - 13:00 105++ 2.03 = 4.09
<BREAK>Beetle Situps - 15 x 8lb
Russian Twists - 30 x 8lb
Leg Lifts + Reverse Crunch - 10
6:31 - 26:00 Repeat 6:31 - 13:00
+ 2.03 = 6.12

+2.06 = 8.18
Total: 26:003:11 min/mi8.18 mi.

Energy Level [1-5]: 2
Stretch Time: 5:00
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 

What a frigging disaster. I was doing great until about 6 minutes into the jump rope when my boobs were like 'remember how this isn't a high impact sports bra? BECAUSE WE DO! FEEL THE PAIN!'. Ooft. Then I got on the bike and my knee was not pleased. I'm not sure what I did to it, but I noticed it being weird earlier this week too. Hope it's nothing serious. Bleh. Moral of the story is I feel like I was bouncing around today getting nothing accomplished, but I guess I did do some good? 8 miles isn't that shabby, after all. Maybe I can do something tomorrow, although I'm very excited for Fancy Brunch so maybe not. Then off to the ballet!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

30:00 Row

Very little time to exercise today, but I need to fit it something to atone for yesterday. Instead of workout out as I planned, Boyfriend and I got drafted last-minute into participating in our kickball team's end of season flipcup tournament. It started at 7, which was barely enough time to get out of work and get to, much less enough time to be some sort of healthy. It was pretty fun, although I think next time they need to not start at 7 PM. Not because I can't get there in time (although there is that), but because flipcup is a game you need to play when you're not entirely sober. My drunk muscles need time to remember what they're doing -- when you go in cold, you suck! Which is what happened to our team. We're very good - we came to our current kickball league from one that breeds flipcup national champions, so we pride ourselves on knowing what we're doing. While we destroyed the first two teams we faced 3-0 (another point -- best of 5 when there are 8 people on a team? Really? THIS IS LIKE ZERO DRINKING), it wasn't because we were on point. We were struggling, but still better than the other teams. In the finals we finally got some competition and lost by a single flip. It shouldn't even have been that close, but every round there was someone knocking the rust off. Had we been at the top of their game we would have won! Harumph. More drinking necessary!

Anyway, today I have a whiskey tasting (fancy, I know) at 8, so I have to hustle to fit in my healthiness. To the rowing machine, because it's the hardest one at the gym!

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas:
Yesterday: Flipcup!
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Rowing Machine
Work Time: 30:00

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 2:00 2:20
2:01 - 3:00 2:20
3:01 - 5:00 2:05
5:01 - 20:00 Repeat 2:01 - 5:00

20:01 - 21:002:25
21:01 - 22:001:55-
22:01 - 30:00Repeat 20:01 - 22:00

Total: 30:102:09 min/500m [avg]7000

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

40:00 Bike + Butt [TIU]

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas:

Work Time: ~60:00
Equipment: Stationary Bike
Level: 16
Program: Random

Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 5:00 75-801.31
5:01 - 10:00 95+ [:20]
0 [:10]
+ 1.68 = 2.99
10:01 - 40:00Repeat 0:00 - 10:00
+ 1.37 = 4.36 [@15:00]
+ 1.58 = 5.94 [@20:00]
+1.36 = 7.30 [@25:00]
+ 1.58 = 8.86 [@30:00]
+1.49 = 10.35 [@35:00]
+ 1.70 = 12.05 [@40:00]
Total: 40:003:19 min/mi12.05 mi.

Beautiful Booty ToneItUp
Exercise NameSet 1Set 2 Set 3
Lying Side Lift20/side20/side0
Lying Clam Lift20/side20/side0
Table Hamstring Curls20/side20/side0
Table Leg Lifts20/side20/side0
1-Leg Deadlifts15/side15/side0
Toe Bridges15/side15/side0
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 
Stretch Time:
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Monday, November 11, 2013

Blogilates - Cardio

Happy Veterans Day! I have the day off (yaaaaay), unfortunately boyfriend does not (booo). I'm actually not that torn up about it though - I'm weirdly excited to actually clean our house after 6 weekends in a row of being out of town; I know if he was around we'd get distracted by brunch or some such and nothing would get clean. Do you have any idea how many loads of laundry I have to fold? Like.. 9. No joke. Plus I'm still mid-wardrobe-cutover, so I've got to get them sweaters out of boxes and put away the mini dresses until April (let's be honest - May).

As I usually do when I'm left to my own devices, today's workout came in pieces, like 10-15 minutes each. I prefer this method because it helps break up the monotony of the boring things I should be doing (working, folding laundry, vacuuming...). And the bright side is I usually end up working out extra long without even noticing! That wasn't the case today, sadly, but I still got in some decent sweating.

Energy Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:
Environment: Indoors, in pieces

Equipment: None
Work Time: ~30:00

Blogilates - Fat Burning Cardio Warmup
Blogilates - Legs for Days Cardio Ballet Challenge
Blogilates - PSY Gangham Style Cardio
Blogilates - POP Cardio Dance New Year
Blogilates - PSY Gentleman Challenge

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total in-Gym Time: 

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas: 


Friday, November 8, 2013

Total Body Tone [Blogilates/TIU]

A ridiculous mishmash of a workout today -- the Blogilates calendar has me doing the '100 workout', but I don't think that's going to be enough so I'm tacking on a pair of ToneItUp's full body routines. These workouts were originally sent out as a playlist, with the instructions to do each routine one time through. Except... each 'routine' has each exercise being done three times, so is one routine each exercise once, or the entire workout? I don't know! It said 'do each workout once through', so I'm going to assume that means one set of each exercise? Great. Also I'm just going to do the total body ones, because I don't have THAT much time on my hands!

Energy Level [1-5]:
Sore Areas:  

Equipment: Dumbbells [10lbs]
Work Time: 44:00

'100 Workout': 100 reps each of: jumping jacks, situps, squats, bicycle crunches, pray pulses, bridges
** Done as 4x25 super sets -- jumping jacks/situps, squats/bicycle crunches, pulses/bridges
Time: 20:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight
Squat + Side Kick20
Plank + Pushup + Row + Fly20/side - 10lbs
Bridge Chest Flys15 - 10lbs
Bridge Triceps Curls15 - 10lbs
V-Sit Bicep Curl + Shoulder Press15 - 10lbs
Russian Twists20 - 10lb

Exercise NameReps - Weight
Reverse Lunge + Overhead Press10/side - 10lbs
Squat Circles + Triceps Press10/side - 10lbs
Curtsy Lunge + Row10/side - 10lbs
Cobra-Dog Pushups10

Exercise NameReps - Weight
Lunge + Standing Twist10/side - 10lbs
Triceps Dip + Kick8/side
Side Plank Dips 10/side
Plank Cross Tucks20
Russian Twists20
Bicycle Crunches20
Tornado Leg Lifts2
Reverse Crunches10

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time: 
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 


Thursday, November 7, 2013

30:00 Run + Upper Body

I'm feeling very fall today. Meaning, all I want to do tonight is go home, cook something awesome, preferably involving pumpkin or apples (or Brussels sprouts), open a bottle of red wine and cuddle under a blanket. Unfortunately, it's Thursday. Which means I've got to go to the gym, should probably fold some laundry, and will likely get home so tired I throw together a sandwich for dinner. So glamorous, right? I did see a mushroom quinoa recipe earlier today I might try if I get ambitious, but most likely I'm looking at tuna and an apple for dinner (not together. more in the 5th-grade-brown-bag lunch kind of way). But first I must slog towards the gym.

I was going to try to run outside today, but it had to go and get all cold on me, so pibbt to that. I'm going to instead try a new treadmill workout -- adapting my 5:00/:20/:10 system I typically use on the bike and see if it translates to a treadmill. Can't see why it wouldn't, right? I might be dead by the end, but we'll see. I'm going to throw in some upper body toning between sets as well, and probably end with some ab work since those are the only muscles that don't currently ache. Even though I did extra ab work Monday and today is upper body day. Harumph.

Energy Level [1-5]: 2.5
Sore Areas:Shoulders, upper back, lower back
Yesterday: Kickball?
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Treadmill, Dumbbells [12 lbs]
Work Time: 40:00

Minutes Intensity: MPH Incline: ° [time]Total Distance (mi.)*
0:00 - 3:00 6.53.0~.32
3:01 - 5:008.03.0~.59
5:01 - 10:0010.0 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
[~1.12 after breaks]
10:01 - 12:00
[~1.27 after breaks]
12:01 - 15:007.03.0~1.90
[~1.62 a.b.]
15:01 - 17:008.0
[0.0 - :10]
[~1.86 a.b.]
17:01 - 22:00 10.0 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
 [~2.42 a.b]
22:01 - 24:
[~2.55 a.b]
24:01 - 27:007.0
[0.0 - :10]
[~2.88 a.b.]
27:01 - 29:008.0
[0.0 - :10]
[~3.12 a.b]
29:01 - 34:00 10.0 [:20]
0.0 [:10]
3.0 [1:00]
2.5 [1:00]
2.0 [2:00]
1.5 [1:00]
[~3.7 a.b.]
34:01 - 36:
[~3.85 a.b.]
34:008.11 mph
[~6.53 mph a.b.]
[~3.85 a.b.]

Upper body lift - 12lb dumbbells

Exercise NameSet 1Set 2 Set 3
Upright Rows151515
Bicep Curl + Overhead Press151512
Bent-Over Row + Tricep Kickback151212
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 65:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 3
Sore Areas: Traps, Shoulders

Whew - I made it through! Mostly. I had to improvise a bit since when I went to nab the 12 pound weights and bring them to my treadmill they were missing, so instead of supersetting the toning into the running I inserted some walking and threw the toning afterwards. Not my ideally efficient way to do things, but it worked and I wasn't in a hurry.

I had to take some extra breaks as I was running because this was harder than I expected it to be. I don't often spend a lot of time running at a single pace on the treadmill (if I want to just RUN I'll go outside), but I didn't think distracting myself for 3 minutes was going to be as hard as it was. And the sprints were killer. I was a little disappointed with the actual distance I traveled though - the treadmill made it look impressive, but once I factored in the 1/3 of the time I spent not running that mileage dropped real quick.

Definitely sore today, definitely plan on doing this workout again!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Total Body Tone [TIU]

Having a no-good-very-bad day. Harumph. Well, that's unfair. Most of the day was tolerable, then I had a massive disaster in the break room and it all went down from there. I was attempting to dig my banana out of the fridge - typically an uneventful endeavor. But today I managed to drop my half-full water bottle, break a nail trying to retrieve it while actually pushing it across the floor, drop the banana into the puddle, then thwack my head on the freezer door as I stood up. And now I have a headache (and a stomachache, for some reason), but there are two hours left in my day. Then I have to go pretend to want to be at the gym. At least I have a cognac tasting to look forward to later? Even though I'm not sure I like cognac?

It's total body lifting day, so I'm combining a pair of routines from ToneItUP -- today's new Total Body Bliss and an older Frisky Fall workout. I think I'm going to like the Frisky Fall one since it uses actual weights -- something I haven't done in awhile. Maybe I'll go to BodyPump this week... hmmm....

Energy Level [1-5]: 2. And my head hurts.
Sore Areas: Head. 
Yesterday: Rowing + Abs
Environment: indoors. warm enough that I'm sort of regretting not going running...

Equipment: Dumbbells [20 lbs, 10 lbs]
Work Time: 53:00

Exercise NameReps - Weight [type] Set 1: Reps - Weight [type] Set 2: Reps - Weight [type] Set 3: Reps - Weight [type]
Deadlift + Upright Row15 - 20 lbs15 - 20 lbs15 - 20 lbs15 - 20 lbs
Reverse Lunge + Front Raise10/side - 10 lbs10/side - 10 lbs10/side - 10 lbs10/side - 10 lbs
Plank Row + Pike Up15 - 20 lbs15 - 10 lbs10 - 20 lbs + 5 rows + 5 pike upsPlank Row + Tricep Kickback + Pike Up
15 - 10 lbs
Squat + Twist Lift10/side - 20 lb10/side - 20 lb10/side - 20 lb20 squats - 20 lb
no twist
Pile Squat + Punch10/side - 10 lbs10/side - 10 lbs10/side - 10 lbs10/side - 10 lbs
Side-to-Side Skaters30303030
Single Leg Deadlift + Bicep Curl15/side - 10 lbs15/side - 10 lbs15/side - 10 lbs15/side - 10 lbs
Side Plank Rainbows10/side10/side10/side10/side
Ab Roll-Up + Twist15/side15/side15/side15/side
*Color key: green = accomplished goal, blue = exceeded goal, yellow = did not meet goal

Energy Level [1-5]:2
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 75:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Upper back, lower back, hamstrings, butt, shoulders...

Dear sir at the gym: if you ask me to 'borrow' the 20 pound weights I'm intermittantly using, that implies you're going to give them back. It does not mean you get to use them for 15 minutes then put them back on the rack. I really only said you could have them because I'm constantly worried I'm hoarding all the gym equipment -- sorry I can't bicep curl and deadlift the same weight, but this supersetting shit is efficient and I don't want to spend a lot of time here. Got it? Excellent.

Seriously though this workout was exhausting. I'm sore in all my major muscles -- good on the one hand, but I probably ignored my arms and my abs too much. I could tell as I was doing it, which is why I changed around the plank row + pike to add a tricep kickback. Plus, trying to pike up while holding the 20 pound weights was not working out -- the plates were too tall and kept cutting into my arms before I got all the way piked, which led to my just doing the rows then doing the pikes in the second round. The 10s work much better.

Also that cognac tasting was full of fail. Boyfriend and I showed up at 8:50 for our 9:00 reservation only to be told they're behind and it'll be "about an hour". Ok, fine, except the rest of my friends didn't get there until 9:10, at which point they're stuck in a line outside for "crowd control". My one free drink and 45 minutes later they still haven't been let in, and are instead being told "the Remy Martin experience is full for tonight" and are being shooed away. Even though the Remy Martin people knew EXACTLY how many people were coming -- we all needed individual QR codes for crying out loud! No +1s or anything! By 10:15 we still hadn't started our 9:00 "experience", so we said fuck it and left for the bar. Moral of the story: Remy Martin has absolutely no idea how to put on a tasting. Logistics are apparently far beyond them.

Monday, November 4, 2013

39:00 Row + Abs

New month, new blogging dedication. Why do I feel like I do this every month? I'm really good about writing my workouts down in my journal, but throwing them up here never seems to happen. Hmm... maybe I need a new tracking method. But it is convenient to go through on days when I'm like 'I need a full body routine that will kick my ass... what shall I do? oh, this was painful. go to!'. But that only works if I actually write down how I feel afterwards. Bleh. Time to think about this some more... maybe it'd help if I wrote down how I feel in the journal? But that's not searchable. And runkeeper doesn't do anything about weightlifting, although it's nice to know how many miles I run a month. Sigh. Trying to track healthiness is hard!

I modelled this cardio routine from ToneItUp's Rise and Run workout, but did it on the rowing machine instead of the treadmill. Then I did a couple of the video's from today's Blogilates workout (ab day!) for a complete 60 minute sweat-fest.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: Hamstrings
Yesterday: Punkin Chunkin weekend! More about that later when I'm not stressing out...
Environment: indoors

Equipment: Rowing Machine
Work Time: 39:00

Level: 8
Minutes Intensity: min/500m Total Distance (m)
0:00 - 3:00 2:20
3:01 - 4:00 1:50-930
4:01 - 6:00 2:25
6:01 - 11:00 2:05+ 1500 = 2530
<BREAK>20 Jumping Jacks
10 Side Lunges [each side]
15 Pile Squat Jumps
11:01 - 26:00Repeat 6:00 - 11:00
+ 1175 = 3705

+ 1175 = 4880

+ 1180 = 6060
26:01 - 26:302:30
26:31 - 27:00 1:50
27:01 - 31:00 Repeat 26:01 - 27:01
+ 1165 = 7225
31:01 - 31:30 2:30
31:31 - 32:30 1:50
32:31 - 37:00 Repeat 31:01 - 32:30
+ 1375 = 8600
37:01 - 39:00 2:30+ 400 = 9000
Total: 39:002:16 min/500m [avg]9000

Bonus Abs:
Blogilates - POP Pilates: Intense Ab Workout
Blogilates - Victoria Secret Model Ab Workout

Energy Level [1-5]: 3
Stretch Time: 10:00
Total Time: 75:00

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 1
Sore Areas: 

My grip-y muscles were DYING after this -- I think it's because I used one of the new rowing machines that showed up in my gym two weeks ago. They were definitely way more tightly wound that the old ones I'm used to. I'm a little annoyed that everything came out to 39 minutes (like, seriously?) but no biggie. I would have probably just added another minute of cool-down time anyway.

Not super sore anywhere the day after this workout -- I'm trying to change things around and work a little harder, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Guess I need to push even harder!

Also I'm fairly certain the people in my gym thought I was totally nuts for following pilates videos on my phone and doing them in a corner. I just have to keep telling myself they're not really paying attention. Except for that one guy. He totally thinks I'm a weirdo. But he's not wearing shoes, so his opinion doesn't count.

Aside: who doesn't wear shoes in a gym? And wanders around?? PUT YOUR NASTY FEET AWAY. I hope you get athletes foot and ringworm and whatever that really bad one that's almost strep is. [Edit: staph. staph infections. not strep infections]. And I hope someone drops a weight on your foot. Serves you right.

Friday, November 1, 2013

26:00 Bike + Tone

Gearing up for a weekend at Punkin Chunkin! So excited! Punkin Chunkin - for anyone that's unaware -- is a gathering of a bunch of smart people who 'do dumb things'. Namely, see how far they can chuck a pumpkin using various old-school machines. I'm talking catapults, trebuchets, air cannons, all sorts of fun stuff. Human-powered, air-powered, gravity-powered... I think there's only one category that's not a simple force, and that's the centripetal category where they use engines to spin the machine's arms really fast. So cool! I could do without the camping/sleeping on the ground situation, but I don't think it'll be too bad. Certainly not as bad as the freezing, water-logged, 2-days-post-Sandy experience of last year. And I survived that, so anything goes!

Before I go to drink all weekend, I need to work out. I left work early specifically to go to the gym (shhh don't tell my boss). Since I didn't have a lot of time, I did a short version of ToneItUp's Frisky Fall Toning routine.

Energy Level [1-5]: 4
Sore Areas: calves
Environment: Indoors

Equipment: Stationary Bike, dumbbells - 15 lbs
Level: 16/15
Work Time: 40:00

Minutes Intensity: RPM Total Distance (mi)
0:00 - 3:00 70 [lvl 16]
3:01 - 5:00 80 [lvl 16]
5:01 - 6:00 90 [lvl 16]
6:00 - 6:30 100+ [lvl 16]2.06
<BREAK>Side Lunge - 10/side
Deadlift + Row - 20 x 10lbs
Pushups - 10
Tricep Dip + Kick - 7/side
Full Situp - 20
6:31 - 9:30 80 [lvl 15]
9:31 - 11:30 90 [lvl 15]
11:31 - 12:30 98 [lvl 15]
12:31 - 13:00 105+ [lvl 15]+ 2.04 = 4.10
<BREAK>Side Lunge - 10/side
Deadlift + Row - 20 x 10lbs
Pushups - 10
Tricep Dip + Kick - 7/side
Full Situp - 20
6:31 - 26:00 Repeat 6:31 - 13:00
+ 2.04 = 6.14

+2.06 = 8.20
Total: 26:003:10 min/mi8.20 mi.

Energy Level [1-5]:
Stretch Time:
Total Time:

Day After
Sore Level [1-5]: 
Sore Areas: 
